Books I Meant to Read in 2018 But Didn’t Get To

Welcome to another edition of Top Ten Tuesday! It’s hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Today’s topic is “Books I Meant to Read in 2018 But Didn’t Get To”. I have way more than 10, but I’ll keep it at that.

Empire of Storms cover

The last three Throne of Glass Books: Empire of Storms/Tower of Dawn/Kingdom of Ash. These books are super long and even though I wanted to read them, I just didn’t get around to it. I finished reading all of Cassandra Clare’s Shadowhunter’s books, and that was 12 really long books, and that was all I could handle last year. I’m reading these now. I have finished Empire of Storms now, but I still have the other two to get to.

The Poppy War cover

I really wanted to read The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang. I got the Kindle version of the book when it was on sale; I even scheduled the review in my blog schedule. Alas, a slew of library books showed up and I have to read those first. So, I never read it. It’s in my TBR jar for this month, but it hasn’t been picked yet.

A Thousand Perfect Notes cover

A Thousand Perfect Notes is another book I bought on sale and haven’t read yet. Along with the remainder of the Throne of Glass series, this is another book that was on my Fall 2018 TBR that didn’t get read. It’s now on my Winter 2018/19 TBR and it’s the next book I’m supposed to read from my TBR jar, so I should get to it soon?

Starfish cover

I still haven’t read Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman yet. This is another book that I bought on sale and wanted to read (I think there’s a trend here) but didn’t.

The Light Between Worlds cover

I pre-ordered The Light Between Worlds because Laura E. Weymouth is such a nice lady, and I wanted to read her book. Plus, this book is supposed to be about Susan from Narnia. I was in the middle of reading something else on the day it was uploaded to my Kindle, and I didn’t read it last year. I just finished reading this book last week because it was in my TBR jar and got picked.

Rora cover

Rora has been on my TBR for so long, it’s not even in print anymore. I did buy the book last year though. It was even on my TBR Wipeout Challenge. Still, never got around to it. This is another book in my TBR jar.

Isle of Blood and Stone cover

Isle of Blood and Stone is another book that I bought on sale that I didn’t get around to reading last year (again, in the TBR jar).

And I Darken cover

I got And I Darken and Now I Rise on sale at too. This is kinda like a retelling of the real story of Dracula? It sounds really interesting. Every time I see this I want to read it. I guess when the time is right, I will.

This Savage Song cover

Every time I see a VE Schwab book on Top Ten Tuesday, I think “I have to read her books!” Yet I own two of her books (both purchased on sale) and haven’t read either. This Savage Song is one of the two I need to read. I will read some of her books this year.

Three Dark Crowns cover

Yes, I bought Three Dark Crowns on sale too. Maybe I’ll read it in time for the fourth book to come out? And maybe the other two will go on sale before it does? I read one of he short stories last year and it was good.

You would think that maybe I should stop buying books on sale? But I actually do eventually read many of these, and I’d rather get it on sale for $2 or $3 than wait for it at the library, or pay full price for it. I can get five books on sale for the price of one at full price, plus I’m supporting more authors. It’s kind of nice to have all of these books on my Kindle… like having a bookstore at my fingertips. So I’ll keep getting these books when they’re on sale, I’m sure.

Next week, we’ll talk about the ten most recent additions to my Want-To-Read list. Let’s see if I do any better with those than I did reading these in 2018.


  1. I was so happy I made the time for Starfish, because it was wonderful. I can call myself a Bowman fan now. TDC and ToG are two of the few fantasy series I read. I am up to date on TDC, but still have ToD and KoA to read for ToG.

    1. That’s a huge book, I agree. Although the Cassandra Clare books are ginormous too. I just need to make time for them.

  2. I’ve bought many books on sale and then forget that they’re on my kindle until I see them on sale and I see I’ve own the book for like 2 years.

    I’ve seen a lot of buzz on The Poppy War! I’m not sure if I want to read it but it does sound intriguing. I have read This Savage Song and Three Dark Crowns. I listened to the audiobooks and I didn’t care much for them but honestly, I think it was the narration not the story so I’d recommend actually reading them. I plan on giving them both another chance sometime in the future.
    Tina @ As Told By Tina recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday | Books I Meant to Read In 2018 but Didn’t Get ToMy Profile

    1. Sometimes format matters. I think that was one of the reasons why I didn’t care so much for Illuminae, as an example. It just doesn’t work well on the Kindle, where the type is really small and the book is graphics intense.

    1. I read one of Kendare Blake’s short stories in October and it was good. Hopefully I’ll get to this one sooner rather than later. But I say that for so many books!

  3. I still have the last 2 books in the Throne of Glass series to go. And over this summer I’ve been reading the Cassandra Clare books. I finished TMI, I have Clockwork Princess to go from TID and then the 3 in The Dark Artifices. It’s definitely a big commitment! And then there’s another series coming later this year.
    Bree @1girl2manybooks recently posted…Top 10 Tuesday 22nd JanuaryMy Profile

    1. I LOVED Clockwork Princess! Be warned, I ugly cried through the last two chapters. I’m glad I didn’t read it in public! I can’t wait for Chain of Gold to come out this fall now.

    1. Covers are important! I saw the cover for The Wicked Fox today and I thought “I don’t know what this book is about but I have to read it!”

    1. It was in this month’s TBR Jar but I ended up picking The Light Between Worlds and A Thousand Perfect Notes instead. Soon, I hope.

    1. She is a writing machine! The other day she mentioned how many books she had under contract… I’ll have a lot of reading to do.

    1. The hardback is gorgeous, with the butterfly that spreads out. Alas, I bought the Kindle version, but the book should still be good.

    1. I’m hoping that since last year I read a lot of older books (pre-2017) I’ll be able to get to more of them that came out last year, while still keeping up on the must-read books that are coming out this year.

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