First Ten Books I Reviewed on this Blog (Top Ten Tuesday)

Hello! Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, where people all over the planet get together to post about a different bookish topic each week. Today we’re talking about the First Ten Books I Reviewed. To be honest, I really couldn’t tell you about my first ten book reviews. Long ago and far away, I used to write for a site called, and I’m sure I wrote at least ten book reviews there. Since I can’t tell you about my first book reviews, I’ll just tell you about the first books I reviewed on this blog.

The Hiding Place Cover

When I first started this blog, I imagined this as a blog where I just posted all sorts of general reviews, which is what I did on Back in the day I had also posted a lot of articles on places like Squidoo; every January 1st, I’d post a list of my favorite books from the previous year. In 2016, I didn’t write down all the books I read in a year like I do now, and I forgot to put The Hiding Place on my list of favorite books I read the previous year. So I wrote a review of the book instead.

The Complete Guide to Money cover

Since I started the blog at the beginning of the year (January 1, 2017, to be exact), I figured that the New Year is the time people want to make a new start. I reviewed Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money a few days later.

American Patriot's BIble cover

Of course, once you get your finances in order, you’ll want to get your spiritual health ready for the New Year as well. It was only January 8th when I reviewed The American Patriot’s Bible. Book reviews have evidently been a big part of this blog from the very beginning.

Carve the Mark cover

I think Veronica Roth’s Carve the Mark was the first pre-order I ever bought, and I remember counting down the days towards its release. Not only did I blog my review of this book, I also blogged about the pre-order gift you could get by buying it.

The Titan Strain cover

From there, we have to jump a year into the future before I start posting again. I had gotten a job and just couldn’t find the time to keep up with posting here. The Titan Strain was the first book I downloaded from Netgalley. I was so in awe of the fact that I was able to read a book before it came out!

Flame in the Mist Cover

The next book I reviewed was Flame in the Mist. I had discovered Goodreads’ Listopia, and I found it to be such an amazing resource at the time. Smoke in the Sun was towards the top of its Top YA Books of 2018 list, and after following the links, I found the first book in the series. I was in luck, because the first book in the library was in stock! I remember how I couldn’t get this book out of my head while I was working.

Okami cover

The next book review post that I wrote was two short stories in one post: Ōkami and Yumi, which are two short stories from Renée Ahdieh’s Flame in the Mist series. I was excited for the release of Smoke in the Sun at the time.

The Fates Divide cover

Since I pretty much skipped blogging for an entire year, two books from the same series ended up in this post. The Fates Divide is the second book the Veronica Roth’s Carve the Mark duology, and of course, I had to review that one too.

Heartless cover

It was less than 11 months ago that I reviewed Marissa Meyer’s Heartless, but it seems like quite a while ago. This was even before I discovered Top Ten Tuesday!

Smoke in the Sun cover

I reviewed Smoke in the Sun shortly after that. It had the most amazing pre-order gift: when I bought a copy of Smoke in the Sun, they gave me a paperback copy of Flame in the Mist! This was the second set of full duologies that made the first ten books that I reviewed on this blog.

I hope you enjoyed this little tour back in time to the earlier days of this blog. What were some of the first books you reviewed? I look forward to seeing the other posts on this week’s Top Ten Tuesday.

Next week we’re going to talk about some inspirational and/or thought provoking quotes. I decided to write about quotes that moved me. I’ve only recently started to keep a book journal, where I write those sorts of things down, so most of the quotes are from books I’ve recently read. I ended up with one bonus quote after this one passage from an audiobook completely moved me.


    1. You might like Sky Without Stars too. Chatine disguises herself as a boy for most of the first book. But I loved Flame in the Mist too!

    1. Haha when I first started this blog I was just reviewing random things around the house. So it made sense to review things on specific days at the time.

  1. Funny how it worked out like that, especially with the Carve the Mark duology, since I read those books a year apart. The Flame in the Mist duology I only read a couple of months apart.

    1. I can see why some people might have decided not to read her after Allegiant… I was concerned that Carve the Mark might end horribly too… especially with the tagline to The Fates Divide being something like “He’d Die for Her, She’d Kill for Him.” Eek. But I’m glad I read it (thinking about rereading the duology this year maybe) and plan on reading her anthology this fall and her adult book next year.

    1. I started my political blog on blogspot around 2000. I was writing reviews for Epinions at the time too (not just books though, I wrote about everything). I haven’t always been active at blogging though. I’ve always been writing something though. I wrote articles for Associated Content/Yahoo! for a while, articles for some more sites, and then I was writing in a journal about the news. Since Epinions is down, at least you can’t read my early reviews.

    1. There’s always new books crowding the others out. I started working on my summer TBR, and since there aren’t a ton of books coming out this summer that I’m thinking “oooh I have to read this now!” yet I just went through my books and TBR (Kindle, physical and books I really wanted to read) and I came up with 25 books I’d like to read ASAP. I used a random number generator to pick 10 books, so I let fate decide.

    1. This week has shown me so many books that were once so hyped and… I’ve never heard of some of them.

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