ABC Book Challenge – E

Hello, and welcome to the fifth week of the ABC Book Challenge, where I point out books I liked and books I’m looking forward to that begin with a certain letter of the alphabet. I found this over at Me, Myself, and Books, but I think it was started by Thrifty Bibliophile. There are actually more E books than I thought there would be.

Echoes cover

It’s been a while since I talked about Echoes by Alice Reeds, but I really loved it and couldn’t put it down. She has said that there should be another book in this series, called Fissures, which I think is supposed to come out in 2020? I don’t know for sure because there’s no information on Goodreads. I do know that I definitely would want to read it.

Edge of Apocalypse cover

I really liked The End series (which started with Edge of Apocalypse) by Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall. I don’t know if I ever read the last book though. The Left Behind series might have been Tim LaHaye’s most famous book series, but I think these were written better.

Eliza and her Monsters cover

I haven’t read Eliza and Her Monsters yet, but every time I hear about it I want to. Eliza reminds me a little bit of Cath from Fangirl, and I loved that book. Being a writer myself (and one that has a hard time talking to people in person) I think I can relate to a creative type who has an easier time with her online creations than in the real world.

An Ember in the Ashes Cover

I haven’t read An Ember in the Ashes since A Reaper at the Gates came out last summer. I read all three of the already-released books in one week. And now… I have to wait even longer for book four. This is a series that I’ll definitely want to reread before the next book comes out.

Enchantée cover

I absolutely LOVED Enchantée by Gita Trelease! It was my favorite book that I read last year (I was lucky enough to get an ARC). For me, the writing had a sort of magic to it. I almost called in late to work so I could finish it.

The End and Other Beginnings cover

So this is the third week that I’ve featured one of Veronica Roth’s books, but I’m excited about October 1st coming up. That’s less than two months away now!!! I have three books pre-ordered for that date: The End and Other Beginnings, Rebel, and Ninth House. Then there’s two other books that come out that day that I intend to read, Shadow Frost, and Fountains of Silence, but I’ll be reading those as ARCs.

There are a couple other E books that I’m leaving out today, but for a book that I don’t use at the beginning of words a lot, E is sure a popular letter for book titles! At least the ones I’m interested in. Looking ahead, there are actually quite a few F books too, but I’ll save them for next week.

ABC Book Challenge – D

Another week, another edition of the ABC book challenge! This week is all about books that begin with the letter D! I found this challenge over at Me, Myself, and Books, but I think it was started by Thrifty Bibliophile. On to the D books!

Descendant of the Crane cover

Descendant of the Crane has such a lovely cover! It’s a Chinese-inspired fantasy that sounds like it will be great to read. I found it on sale at last month, but I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet.

Diary of a Young Girl cover

I read Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl a long time ago, back when I was in Middle School, but it’s a significant book and deserves its place among books that begin with the letter D.

The Discoverers Cover

It’s been several years since I read The Discoverers by Daniel J. Boorstin. I loved this book, which talks about how humanity created things as simple as the calendar and then proceeded to invent things and explore the world, and I’ve read it twice so far. Maybe it’s due for a reread someday.

Divergent cover

We can’t talk about books that begin with the letter D without talking about one of my favorite books ever: Divergent. This book is a life-changer for me. It’s the book that got me into YA and got me writing again, which all led to this blog. No wonder I own it in four languages!

Dragons of Autumn Twilight cover

Another significant set of books in my life were the Dragonlance books. My future husband gave these to me a couple of months after we met. We named our two kids after characters in this series (my daughter named her cat after another character). I regularly think about philosophies and concepts in these books, such as evil turns in upon itself and when people believe they are too good, they turn into people like the Kingpriest of Istar and start persecuting people who don’t live up to their standards.

So those are some books that start with the letter D!

ABC Book Challenge – C

Hello! Time for another episode of the ABC Book Challenge, which I found over at Me, Myself, and Books, but I think was started by the Thrifty Bibliophile. Today we’re looking at books from My Books over on Goodreads that start with the letter C. I’m going to do a mix of books that I have read and books that I want to read today.

Carve the Mark cover

The first book I’ll highlight is Veronica Roth’s Carve the Mark. I’ve read this book five or six times now, and I still get things out of it. This is one of those books that I’ve enjoyed more rereading than the first time around, because there’s a huge cast of characters, the world is so unlike ours, and there are things hidden in here that I didn’t see the first time through.

Chain of Gold cover

There are two books on today’s list that are coming out in 2020. The first one is Chain of Gold, which comes out on March 3. I’m looking forward to reading about Will and Tess’s children, along with the other shadowhunters of their generation.

Champion cover

I reread Marie Lu’s Champion about once a year, along with the rest of the Legend series. I love this book, and am looking forward to the final book in the series coming out on October 1st.

Veronica Roth gets two books on today’s page: The Chosen Ones comes out on May 4, 2020. I know Goodreads is listing it as The Chosen One, but Amazon has an “s” at the end of the title, so I’m going with that. You can already pre-order the Kindle edition of the book, but I plan to get it in hardback, so I wait.

Color Outside the Lines cover

The final book on today’s list is Color Outside the Lines, a collection of short stories by several well-known authors. Edelweiss actually approved me for an ARC! It won’t be released until November, so I haven’t read it yet, but I’m looking forward to it.

So there are a few books that start with the letter C that I’m looking forward to reading, and a couple that I love!

ABC Book Challenge – B

This is the second week of the ABC Book Challenge, which will run until the end of the year. For this tag, which I originally found at Me, Myself, and Books, and was able to trace (tentatively) back to Thrifty Bibliophile, I’ll go through my TBR and find books that begin with that particular letter. I might do a mix of books on my TBR and books that I’ve read (depending on the letter).

I absolutely adored Sky Without Stars, the first book in the System Divine series by Jessica Brody. Between Burning Worlds, the second book, is expected to come out in 2020. And I’m expected to read it.

Black Death at the Golden Gate: The Race to Save America from the Bubonic Plague has a really long title, but it sounds really interesting. I love history, and this is one element of history I don’t know much about.

The Boy and his Ribbon cover

I saw a review for The Boy and His Ribbon a while ago and it sounded interesting, but I’ve still never gotten around to reading it. I’m guessing it’s probably not as dark as Pennies which is by the same author? Anyway, it’s another B book that I hope to read at some point.

Last year, I read The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang, and of course I’d like to read the next book in the series at some point.

Bonhoeffer cover

Occasionally, I mention Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy on this blog, because it’s such an interesting account of this important figure from World War II. This is the only book on this list that I’ve already read. I’ll probably end up rereading this book again at some point.

ABC Book Challenge – A

Today, going on every Sunday until the end of the year, I’ll be publishing the ABC book challenge. This tag, which I originally found at Me, Myself, and Books, and was able to trace (tentatively) back to Thrifty Bibliophile, has you going through your TBRs and finding books that begin with that particular letter. I might do a mix of books on my TBR and books that I’ve read (depending on the letter).

Alex, Approximately cover

There are a ton of books that start with A on both my TBR and read shelf over at Goodreads. So many, that it’s going to be difficult to narrow these books down to a reasonable number. One of the A books that I really liked was Alex, Approximately. It’s a cute teen summer romance featuring the enemies-to-lovers trope. I devoured it in two days.

Agenda 21 cover

One of the fun things about this tag I think will be talking about books I haven’t had the chance to really mention before. Agenda 21 is a thriller that came out in 2012. In this world set in the future, life is highly planned out for you. Children grow up in group homes, not with their families, and your mate is chosen for you. It’s a fairly bleak existence, until our protagonist decides that she wants to escape.

Anne of Green Gables cover

Almost all of the Anne of Green Gables books start with an A (Rilla of Ingleside I think is the only exception). These are really sweet books that I loved as a kid, and really should read again someday. It’s the story of Anne, an orphan who gets into a lot of trouble at first, but eventually grows up, gets married, and has a family.

African Samurai cover

African Samurai: The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan sounds like a really interesting book. I haven’t heard a lot about this book, and I haven’t read it, but it’s on my TBR and I’m pretty sure that it will stay there until I get the chance to read it.

American Panda cover

American Panda looks like an adorable book. I haven’t read it yet, but would like to at some point in the future.

So there are some letter A books for the ABC Book Challenge. B is another letter that I have plenty of books on Goodreads for, so I’ll probably have quite a few books next week. When I get to X… not so much, I think.