Series I Want to Finish Someday (And One I Don’t)

Today is Top Ten Tuesday, sponsored by That Artsy Reader.  Today’s theme is Series I’ve Given Up On, but since I don’t really have many of those, I’m modifying it a bit, and am doing Series I Want to Finish Someday (And One I Don’t).  Since a lot of the series that I have been reading have recently finished, I don’t have a full 10 to give you, but I’ll give you what I have.

Ace of Shades CoverI just recently finished reading Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody (I hope to review it next week).  This is the first book of a planned trilogy.  Since the other two books in the series aren’t out yet, I can’t exactly read them yet.

I don’t know if I will buy the follow-on books or get them at the library yet, however.  I only paid $1.99 for the first book on my Kindle; although I do plan on reading the remaining books in the series, I don’t know if it’s a book I want to read over and over and over again, like some of the books that I buy.

City of Bones CoverCity of Bones is a series that I am currently on the waiting list for at the library.  I’m currently #7 on the waiting list for the next book, City of Ashes.  At some point I’ll get to the top of the waiting list and I’ll probably review a bunch of books from these series in quick succession.

While I didn’t give this book a five-star review, I did enjoy it, and (I peeked ahead) I’ve read some excerpts from her later books and am looking forward to getting to them.  Someday…

An Ember in the Ashes CoverAn Ember in the Ashes is the first book of Sabaa Tahir’s tetralogy.  I just read her first three books for the first time this month, and I absolutely love them!  I’m looking forward to the last book coming out next year, especially since the characters are still in distress, and I’m hoping that Ms. Tahir helps them save themselves and at least lets them be a little happy (if not, there’s always fanfiction).

I definitely plan on pre-ordering this one as soon as it becomes available.  Since the last book in the series A Reaper at the Gates, just came out, I don’t know when that will be.

Warcross coverWarcross is the first book in Marie Lu’s latest series.  I pre-ordered this on April 10th this year (only reason I know is because it was the day that The Fates Divide came out, which was another book that I eagerly looked forward too).

Out of the three series that I’m looking forward to reading, this is the one that I’m looking forward to the most.  Fortunately, I only have to wait until September to read it (less than 3 months now!).

The One Series I Don’t Plan on Continuing…

I won’t say that I will never read the rest of the Illuminae series, but I don’t have any plans to do so any time soon.  If I do continue reading these, it will not be on the Kindle.

This book was really difficult to read on my Kindle.  The concept is pretty cool.  There are different files to read, and it is very graphic.  It doesn’t translate to the Kindle well at all, because I wasn’t able to resize the pages, making it hard to read.  There were graphic pages where the words swirled around, which were also difficult to read on a Kindle.

I think what disappointed me the most about Illuminae, however (the Kindle visual problems are quite easy to fix by reading these books in hardback) was how in the very middle of the book, the story completely pissed me off.  I can’t say why without giving away spoilers, but I went to google the ending in order to find out whether it was worth finishing or not; even then, I put down the book, went to bed, and finished it the next day.

As far as I know, the next books aren’t continuations of this story, but tell the story from a different angle, I don’t think I’m going to finish.  I’m not interested enough to continue reading this book at the moment.


  1. I need to finish An Ember In The Ashes series as well, or at least read the next 2 books lol.

    I’d highly recommend trying the Illuminae Files in print, they really are quite amazing. Although I still do need to read Obsidio, just haven’t had time to sit down with such a chunkster.

    1. They would probably be better in print, you’re right. I know that people love them… maybe if I see them at the library I might pick it up on a whim. Definitely not on the Kindle though, unless it was one of the larger iPads with a high resolution screen.

    1. Glad you’re liking it! I hadn’t read them before this month, but I read them for three days straight. The fourth book is one I’ll be waiting for anxiously. Hopefully I’ll be able to manage to get an ARC of that one.

    1. The only bad thing about Ember is that it’s an unfinished series, and when you finish the third book you want to find out how Sabaa Tahir is going to fix the mess she put all the characters in :-).

    1. The unusual formatting was interesting. Hope you like it better than I did.

      I’m SO looking forward to Wildcard 🙂

    1. I wonder how the audio thing would work? I know lots of people think the audiobook was good though.

  2. I bought a copy of Illuminae because I had heard it was one better to read in print. I do hope I like it better than you did, but we’ll see. Who knows when I will get to it . . . I have a habit of buying books and letting them languish on my shelves for awhile. Terrible, I know. I haven’t decided if I want to continue with Clare’s series. I liked City of Bones, but the movie kind of ruined me on the series. I have Warcross on audio and really need to listen to it!
    Literary Feline recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Series I’ve Given Up On . . . Or NotMy Profile

    1. I keep hearing the movie was bad. I didn’t even know there was a movie until I read the book, although if it’s not good, I probably won’t bother. I like books better than movies anyway.

  3. You’re the first one I hear not enjoying the Illuminae Files. I’m curious about it, obviously, because it’s such a unique way to tell a story, but I’m not 100% sold on it. I still need to read Ace Of Shades. Maybe I’ll get to it before the summer ends. I’m curious about Tahir’s book. I see a lot of people loving it, so I am definitely going to be trying it out.
    Ruby @ Ruby’s Books recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Series I’ve Given Up On & Series I’d Like To Finish One DayMy Profile

    1. I thought the unique way of telling the story was kinda cool. Definitely not suitable for e-readers though, unless they are large and in color.

  4. I really want to get on the whole Ember in the ashes series but I’ve tried reading the first book 2 times and the romance bit just bothers me too much. I definitely want to try again though! Cassandra clare improves with every book and her stories are easy to get through so I hope you continue her series

    1. Did you dislike the romance part in general, or the thing with Helen/Elias/Laia/Keenan? It pretty much straightens itself out… I read all three in three days, so what happens in which book sort of blends into each other, but if the love triangle thing is what bothers you then it gets cleared up at least by the end of book 2.

      I figured Cassandra Clare’s writing probably gets better over time, since City of Bones is pretty much her first published book. I’ve seen other authors get better over time and from what I’ve read of her blog posts, that seems to be the case with her.

    1. Several of them are newer, which is why I haven’t finished them despite the fact that I want to read the books. The only finished series is The Mortal Instruments. I’m just waiting for the library to make them available to me.

  5. I love that–”if not, there’s always fan fiction”!
    I haven’t read any of these, but I’ve been curious about Illuminae. The idea of graphics and fun word configurations intrigues me.

    1. 🙂 I got into writing fanfiction because of the horrible ending to Allegiant.

      The graphic part of Illuminae was interesting. Just not on the Kindle.

    1. I’m sure you’ll like it. I don’t think I’ve seen that series on anybody’s list of series they don’t want to continue.

      I think the only one on this list I might forget about is Ace of Shades, but since I follow Amanda Foody on Twitter, I’m sure I’ll get reminders to read it. I already pre-ordered and paid for Warcross, so even if I did forget about it (ha ha I know the release date as well as my mom’s birthday) it would show up on my doorstep anyway.

    1. Once you read A Torch Against the Night and A Reaper at the Gates, you’ll be in the exact position that you are with Warcross, waiting for the last book to come out!

      These authors are coming out with too many good books!

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