Bookish Things I’d Like to Own

Welcome to another edition of Top Ten Tuesday!  Today’s official topic is “Bookish Items I’d Like to Own.”  This may be a little different than a lot of people’s posts (and this is a really difficult topic for me) because there really aren’t too many things I want to clutter up my house.  My parents are always asking me for Christmas gift ideas, so I can’t wait to see other people’s lists!  Really, all I ever seem to do is read, write, go to sleep, and go to work, so there’s not really much on my Christmas list other than Amazon gift cards.

As always, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  Here’s my list (in case I win the lottery for most of these items):

Life After Legend coverLife After Legend (the Warcross pre-order gift) – I don’t know if this technically counts as a “book” or a bookish item, but I’m going to call it a bookish item because I want it for my collection.  This seems to be as difficult to find as an original Van Gogh painting.  Fortunately, I have read the story because I went and bought the paperback copy of Warcross so I could read it, but I still want the original.  If you ever see this on eBay or know of someone who would like to sell their copy, please send me a message.  It would go nicely with Life After Legend II, which I am fortunate enough to have.

Waterproof Kindle PaperwhiteThe waterproof Kindle Paperwhite – my current Kindle Paperwhite works fine, so this isn’t something I plan on rushing out to buy any time soon.  However, it is four years old, and I’m sure that someday, I’ll need to get another one.  I don’t really want a Fire, because I like the way the Paperwhite reads, so something like this would be the replacement.

BookshelfBookshelves – I currently don’t own a bookshelf.  We used to have some really nice ones that we bought in Italy.  We got rid of them after we had a house fire years ago.  I don’t really have any room for them in my house; that’s why we don’t have any right now.

new houseA New House – okay, so now we’re getting a little crazy here.  I certainly don’t need a new house, although one day I hope to move to a house that has room for bookshelves.  My husband bought a Powerball ticket the other day when the jackpot was way up there, and he had fun dreaming about what he’d do if we won.  If we did win, I’d get a really big house with a library.

laptop computerHere’s another one of those bookish things that I absolutely don’t need:  a new laptop computer.  The one I have right now is a little slow, but it’s okay.  This one would be more for me to write on rather than to read on, but writing is a part of my bookish life too.

magnetic bookmarksThese magnetic bookmarks might be more what That Artsy Reader Girl had in mind when she came up with the bookish merchandise topic.  These are Shadowhunters in pajamas, and they’re pretty cute.  Although they are adorable, I tend to lose my bookmarks fairly easily.  I usually keep then around for the entire time I am reading the book, and then I lose them.  That’s why I usually just use scraps of paper.  Maybe I should give this idea to my parents for Christmas.

Scribbler subscription boxScribbler Subscription box – This is another idea I might give my parents for Christmas.  I think that most subscription boxes would have a lot of things I didn’t need in them, but these boxes are designed for writers, so they might have some things that are actually useful.

Composition BooksComposition books – I bought some of these at the beginning of the school year, so I don’t really need any at the moment, but these are great for writing.  I keep one in the backpack that I take to work.  My job primarily consists of staring at people and thinking up stories in my head.  They don’t pay me to think up stories, but I do anyway.  At any rate, on my breaks, whenever I come up with something that I might want in my latest WIP while I’m at work, I write it down while I’m on my breaks.

Bluetooth keyboardBluetooth keyboard – Here’s another item that I already have, but is absolutely wonderful for my bookish life.  I take my Bluetooth keyboard to work and use it on my breaks.  Mostly to tweet quickly.  So far, I’m well ahead of my target wordcount for NaNoWriMo, but if I did get behind, this Bluetooth keyboard could be used to write The Brightness of Shadow while I’m on my breaks for NaNoWriMo.  Because it works with my iPhone.  And I don’t want to take a laptop to work.  A laptop wouldn’t even fit in my locker.

Mini three ring binderMini three ring binder – These would fit in my backpack, like the composition books.  They’re better though, because you can take the pages out and move them around.  Which is good when you have writing ADD like I do, and work on several projects at once.

So there’s my list.  This one was really difficult to do.  Next week’s list should be much easier, because we’re talking about thankfulness for the American holiday of Thanksgiving!  I have a lot to be thankful for.  So I’ll see you then, unless you stop by before that!


    1. Even better if it’s as big as Belle’s library! If we’re going to dream about a house, the library might as well be as big as Belle’s, LOL.

    1. I talked to my parents on Sunday and they wanted to know what I wanted… I think I need to give them the Scribbler box idea myself.

  1. I actually.. love how practical your post is?! It’s a nice change from all other drool-worthy bookish merch-posts, haha. I own a Kindle Paperwhite as well, but a blogging friend of mine has been boasting all about her waterproof Oasis lately [which has page buttons, ah!] so I’m tempted to put that on my wish list? Even though there’s absolutely nothing wrong with my current Kindle but hey..

    A bluetooth keyboard – YES. I want to figure something out where I can just do some blog prep on my television so I don’t have to be locked in my work room whenever I want to work on my blog for a bit so that’d be a perfect tool, haha.

    Here’s my TTT should you be interested. 🙂

    1. I saw the Oasis last year and thought it was cool, but now that they have the Paperwhite… if my current one goes bad, I’ll get that one. My Kindles seem to last forever though. My kids’ Kindles, on the other hand… they lose them or spill water on them. Maybe next time they destroy theirs, I’ll give them my Paperwhite and get a waterproof paperwhite.

    1. It’s a really good story. Had me in tears the first time I read it. I bought a second copy of Warcross (the paperback version) just so I could read it. Totally worth it. But I’d love to have a copy of the original. I’ll keep looking until I find it.

      There will be a fourth Legend book coming out in the fall of 2019 though. I’m looking forward to that.

    1. I’ve never really read in the bathtub because everything would get wet! I’ve never seen how people could do that. Maybe if I had a waterproof paperwhite… I still hate to replace a perfectly good machine just for the waterproof capabilities. I keep my iPhones for years too. I don’t plan on replacing my iPhone 6 until the operating system stops updating and I can’t use the programs I want to use with it.

  2. I love my Fire but… the Paperwhites are so much lighter and less distracting (hellooooo… no games!) when you really need/want to read. Also, my daughter is obsessed with these comp books she found at Target called decomposition books. They’re really pretty, too. And I think they’re recycled? Not sure about that.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. They had some beautiful comp books at the beginning of the school year. I have one that says “Make Your Own Magic” on it. Perfect for putting writing stuff in.

  3. I think all of us bookworms dream about the perfect bookshelves. A couple of years ago I ended up building wall shelves that were set above my furniture, so they wouldn’t take up my entire bedroom and it really was the best decision. Hope you get some of these soon.

  4. I think if we were staying in this house long term that would be the best option, but we knew when we moved into this house that we’d eventually want something bigger. We’re not in a hurry to move or anything; we just know that it’s in our plans. And our next house will have room for bookshelves.

  5. I splurged and bought myself the waterproof kindle 😀 My old paperwhite was probably about 4 years old too, but I really really wanted the waterproof one so I could read while sitting in the shower 😀 I love it! But now I have to be good and not buy myself anything else super awesome and there are TONS of awesome stuff featured in everyone’s TTT lists this week

    1. Yes, I have to visit some more sites and put together my Christmas ideas for my parents. At least I have more than I did when I talked to them on Sunday!

  6. I agree so much with bookshelves. With work we had done in the house, most of my books, which I had in this large metal armoire, were moved outside. The armoire is no more and my books are still outside! I’m getting the bookshelves this weekend. Gotta save the books.

    1. That’s great that they’re going to come inside! A lot of books are in my garage, but my favorites are still inside. They’re still mostly in boxes though.

  7. As soon as aI move, the first thing I’m buying for our new place is a bookshelf! I don’t have one currently either because our space is too small. 🙁 Hopefully soon!

  8. I love a nice bookshelf! In fact, I need more, but am out of wall space. I’ve actually moved furniture out in order to add more shelves. 😉

    Magnetic book marks are adorable. I have a few, though I recently realized I’m missing one from my Avengers collection.

    Thanks bunches for the Finding Wonderland visit! Apologies for the return visit delay.
    Rissi recently posted…Gift Guide | Ideas for the Fan Girl on Your ListMy Profile

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