Older Books I Want to Read

Welcome to another edition of Top Ten Tuesday!  Today’s official topic is “Backlist Books I Want to Read”.  I’m just going to write about older books in general, because some of these books may be out of print, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still get them.  With the internet, almost any book that you want is at your fingertips (with the exception of Life After Legend that came as a pre-order gift with Warcross – I’m pretty sure nobody wants to sell their copy because I never see it on eBay).

As always, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

So here’s today’s list (they’re in no particular order):

Daughter of Smoke and Bone coverDaughter of Smoke and Bone (series) ~ Laini Taylor – I enjoyed Strange the Dreamer and Muse of Nightmares so much this year that I’d like to check out some more of Laini Taylor’s work.  Maybe I’ll be able to get to these in 2019.  This year I spent a lot of time catching up on entire series of books that came out years ago (like The Mortal Instruments) so next year I may have more time to read some of these backlist books.

Naughts & Crosses coverNaughts & Crosses ~ Malorie Blackman – This was a book that Goodreads recommended to me based on the fact that I liked The Midnight Star by Marie Lu.  It sounds like an interesting book that makes a statement about interracial relationships.  Considering that I’m in an interracial relationship, it sounds like a book I might want to read someday.

The Raven Boys coverThe Raven Cycle ~ Maggie Stiefvater – I’ve heard a lot about the Raven Cycle and think that maybe I should check it out someday.

Michael Vey (series) ~ Richard Paul Evans – This is one of those series that whenever I think about it, I wonder “why haven’t I read this yet?”  My daughter has read several of these books and thinks they’re great.  I’m sure I own several of these on my Kindle.  Although I’ve known about this series since before it first came out, I still haven’t read any of them.

Shadow and Bone coverThe Grisha Trilogy ~ Leigh Bardugo – One of the reasons why I have not read Six of Crows yet is because I hope to read The Grisha Trilogy first.  This is another one of those series that I intend to get to in 2019.  I’ve read a couple of Ms. Bardugo’s short stories, so it’s not like I haven’t read anything that she’s done, but I just haven’t read any of her novels yet.

The Darkest Minds coverThe Darkest Minds (series) ~ Alexandra Bracken – this book got a lot of attention earlier this year when a movie came out about it.  I don’t watch a lot of movies, but I do like dystopian fiction.  This isn’t at the top of my list, but it may be something that I’m interested in reading someday.

Clockwork Angel coverThe Infernal Devices (series) ~ Cassandra Clare – I will start reading Clockwork Angel as soon as I finish reading the ARC that I plan on reviewing next week.  There are still two other books in this series to read, but I have the second book in the series on hold at the library.  There’s a good chance that I will read these books before the end of 2018.  I’ve already purchased Lady Midnight and pre-ordered Queen of Air and Darkness; I’ll probably read that series either late this year or early next year.

Rora coverRora ~ James Byron Huggins – I’m pretty sure that this book is no longer in print.  Nevertheless, you can still buy it.  I got a copy this summer when I was planning on reading it for the Summer TBR Wipeout, but you see how well that plan went, as it’s still on my TBR.  This book is about a group of persecuted Christians during the Middle Ages.  I thought that their story sounded fascinating when I first heard about it ten years ago, but I didn’t buy the book then, and now that I’ve bought the book, I still haven’t read it.  Like Michael Vey, one of these days I will read it.

1453 cover1453 ~ Roger Crowley – Evidently, the 1400s were an eventful time in world history, because there are several books that are named after years in this century.  1453 might not be at the top of my TBR, but it sounds like it would be an interesting book.  This particular 1400 book is about the crusades.

Blacklisted by History coverBlacklisted by History ~ M. Stanton Evans – in the late 20th century, McCarthyism was a term that was synonymous with “witch hunt.”  People lost their jobs if they were accused of being sympathizers with communists.  It’s likely that several innocent people lost their livelihoods after being accused of being a communist, but the truth is, there were communists in the US government.  This story sounds like an interesting take on an often-misunderstood part of US history.

So there’s my Top Ten Tuesday for the week.  Next week:  Book Related Things I’d Like.  I might get some Christmas ideas from other people’s clever lists, but I can’t think of much specific bookish merchandise, so I’m broadening the category for next week.

What older books would you like to read?


  1. I’m kind of interested in The Darkest Minds too- it sounds like a fun concept. I wanted to see the movie too but never made it to the theater in time to do so. 1453 looks interesting too- I love history.
    Greg recently posted…Top Ten Backlist BooksMy Profile

    1. Right now I’m more likely to read the book and see the movie, but often the fact that there is a movie points me to the fact that there’s a book that goes with it. There’s always Netflix for the movie when it gets there!

  2. At first, I found the Raven Cycle books odd, but once everything Steifvater was doing came together, I was all in. Definitely a great series, and TID is my favorite of Clare’s series.

    1. I’ll keep that in mind about The Raven Cycle, and not give up so quickly. Although I almost never DNF books… sometimes they just take longer to read.

      Looking forward to starting TID, probably at the end of this week!

  3. I really want to read The Darkest Minds series. It sounds SO GOOD.

    I still have yet to read the last book in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy. I’ll probably have to reread the first 2, as I can’t remember a thing. XD

    Also, The Infernal Devices is AMAZING. Please try to read it soon – it’s so, so good!

    My TTT post!

    1. I will definitely be reading TID soon… I got it from the library, so I need to read it before it’s due!

      When I start reading The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, I’ll probably reserve them at the library all at the same time. That’s one of the good things about Backlist books, you can read them all back to back!

    1. 1453 is actually nonfiction, but I’ve read a couple of other books like that and they tend to be written fairly well. They’re not slow reads even though they’re nonfiction.

  4. OMG I’m so glad you want to read The Shadow and Bone Trilogy before Six of Crows. I promise, you’ll love Six of Crows more having read the trilogy first. I listened to The Raven Cycle as audiobooks… and I highly recommend you not doing that, the narrator is terrible but the books themselves also weren’t winners for me but I hope you like them.

    Thanks for sharing,
    ~Brittany @ Brittany’s Book Rambles

    1. I’ve been catching up on a lot of series this year. I always try to read the first books first before I read the later books in the universe. Glad that reading The Grisha Trilogy first is a good choice!

    1. Last year I read a lot of books on the 20th century and I realized that, even though I lived through a small part of that century, that there is so much that I don’t know about that time period. In school, they usually didn’t end up teaching much of it, because maybe the teachers figured that we’d get it through osmosis in the popular culture? I’ve always tried to make a point to make sure my kids knew about 9/11 as a result of that.

  5. I hope it’s not too long until I can get around to reading most of them. Although I have been doing pretty well on my Fall TBR that I posted in September.

  6. I’m surprised by how many times I’m seeing the Raven Cycle show up in this TTT. I thought for sure I was the last person on earth to read it, but apparently not… It’s quite good though!

    A Clockwork Angel was the first Cassandra Clare Book I read. I read it when everyone else was reading…the OTHER really popular book she writes (immortal device?). Anyway, a Clockwork Angel was suuuuch a struggle for me to get through. I wasn’t s fan of it, but I think that was the unpopular opinion.

    1. Oh, there’s always going to be somebody that hasn’t read some book… I actually haven’t read anything from her except her tweets!

      So far, A Clockwork Angel is pretty good. I started reading it today.

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