TBR Book Tag

Today I’m doing the TBR book tag! I found it over at Kati’s Bookaholic Rambling Reviews but it started over at A Perfection Called Books. It looked like fun to do so here we go!

How do you keep track of your TBR pile?


Goodreads, of course! I’ve had an account there for a long time, but I only started using it to keep track of my books and look up all the new books coming up recently (like last spring).

Is your TBR mostly print or ebook?

I don’t know? I don’t really care and have no clue. I just click on the book if I want to read it and say “Want to Read”. I buy both. Library check-outs I just go with what’s most convenient and/or quicker. I buy hardcover books from my favorite authors, and ebooks I get when they are on sale, if they’re a pre-order of a book with a big difference in price between that and the hardback, or occasionally some other reason (I have Wildcard in both ebook and print format because the mail was slow and I didn’t want to wait to start reading it).

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?

Lately I’ve been choosing books off my seasonal TBR at the beginning of the month. I read ~1 ARC per week and one older book. Sometimes I deviate from it for one reason or another (like if the library gets a book in that’s been on my wait list).

A Book That’s Been On Your TBR List The Longest

Rora cover

Rora has been on my TBR since April 25, 2013. I was reading Foxe’s Book of Martyrs at the time and I thought the story of the religious sect that holed up in the mountains and fought against persecution sounded really good. I finally bought it last year. It was on my summer TBR Wipeout Challenge last year… still haven’t read it. But since I now own a copy, I guess I’m closer to reading it now? I still want to read it, it’s just competing with so many other interesting books.

A Book You Recently Added To Your TBR

Margaret Rogerson and Laura E. Weymouth were talking on Twitter one day about how it would be cool if someone wrote a crossover fanfic between Sorcery of Thorns and A Treason of Thorns, and I said I’d do it. So now I just have to read both books.

This isn’t the first time I promised a book’s author to write a fanfic for them. I wrote Brenna Morgan and the Silver Portal after telling Katie Masters I’d write a fanfic for her. I guess it’s what I do now.

A Book In Your TBR Strictly Because Of Its Beautiful Cover

Wicked Fox cover

What does the Fox say? Well, the Wicked Fox cover says “read me.” They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but the cover can really get you interested in the book. I guess authors don’t always get a lot of say in what their covers are going to look like (if they’re traditionally published) but I’d be okay with that, for the most part, because I think that most of the time, publishers do a much better job at designing covers than I could ever do. If publishers keep coming up with covers like this, I’ll keep buying books.

A Book On Your TBR That You Never Plan on Reading

Hmmm, if it’s on my TBR, then I plan on reading it? Otherwise it goes off the TBR. Sometimes I put might read books on my TBR if I’m trying to win a contest, but if I don’t win the contest and later on decide I don’t want to read it that badly, it leaves the TBR.

An Unpublished Book On Your TBR That You’re Excited For

Rebel pre-cover

Hello, I’m Brooke, and I’m a Legend fangirl. Of course I’m excited for Rebel, the fourth Legend book, to come out. I had this book pre-ordered within an hour of the title reveal. If I end up begging for any ARC this year, this would be the one.

There’s a lot of other books on my TBR that I’m excited about on my TBR, of course, but Legend. I’ve written almost 20% of the Legend fanfics up on AO3, and currently have a novel-length Legend fanfic in editing and another Legend/Warcross fanfic I’m planning. Of course I’m excited about this book.

A Book On Your TBR That Basically Everyone’s Read But You

Court of Thorns and Roses cover

Well, maybe not everybody, because then I wouldn’t still be 26th on the waiting list at the library for it, but a lot of people have read A Court of Thorns and Roses. And I haven’t yet.

I still have to finish reading Tower of Dawn and Kingdom of Ash though. I know they’re not the same series, but I do kinda like to finish a series by one author before I start reading the next. I’m currently reading Tower of Dawn, but if I haven’t finished Kingdom of Ash by the time this becomes available at the library, I’ll have to read this one first (I own both of those). Gotta read the library books as soon as they come in.

A Book On Your TBR That Everyone Recommends To You

Shadow and Bone cover

I wouldn’t say that everybody recommends the Grisha Verse books to me, but these (along with Six of Crows and King of Scars) are books that everybody seems to love, and I’ve wanted to read these books for a while now.

I own the first book in this series, and I’m 3rd on the waiting list for the second book. I’m not worried about not finishing this book before the library makes the second one available to me, because I’m scheduled to read this book next week.

A Book On Your TBR That You’re Dying To Read

So if you’ve read The Wicked King, you know why I’m dying to read The Queen of Nothing. It doesn’t have a cover or anything yet, but yes, I really want to read this book soon. Maybe not quite as badly as I want to read Rebel, but this book is a must-read for me. And it will be one of those books that I end up pre-ordering, just like I did with The Wicked King. I have the other two hardbacks, so hopefully they’ll design a hardback that will look nice with the other two.

How many books are on your Goodreads TBR shelf?

199 right now.

That’s the TBR Tag! If you want to do this one too, consider yourself tagged.


  1. Ooh, I want to do this tag. Actually, I might have already done this tag, but it was so long ago that nobody will notice if I do it again. I didn’t like Shadow & Bone, but I want to give that author another chance. I’ve heard that her newer books are better.
    Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #185My Profile

    1. I’ve heard the same thing about Shadow and Bone. I felt the same way about Cassandra Clare’s debut (I only gave it three stars on Goodreads), but I give all her books 4 or 5 stars now, pretty much.

      If it’s been over a year since you did this book tag, I bet your answers are a lot different now.

  2. Wow, I’m kinda shocked that the wait list for ACOTAR is still so long! I’m like you, I prefer to finish one series by an author before jumping to another one of their series. I read Shadow & Bone a year or so ago and while I enjoyed it for some reason I haven’t jumped on continuing the trilogy yet. And I’m right there with you waiting for The Queen of Nothing!!
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…The Sunday Post #141My Profile

    1. There’s a lot of books like that. Most of the Shadowhunter’s books and most of the Throne of Glass books have long waits too. Some of the books the library has several copies of, so the list goes pretty fast (I think they have four copies of ACOTAR and they have nine copies of Children of Blood and Bone).

    1. I’m kind of sparing with the books I add to my TBR though. I sometimes will look at a book for months and then decide to add it to the TBR.

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