All About Covers! (Top Ten Tuesday)

Top Ten Tuesday

Welcome to another edition of Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl)! Today’s topic is supposed to be “Cover Redesigns I Loved/Hated,” but to be honest, I can’t even think of ten cover redesigns, so we’re just going to list a few cover redesigns and then talk about covers that I love or hate. So here we go!

City of Fallen Angels cover

I do like the redesigned covers for The Mortal Instruments better than I like the original covers (although I really like the original cover to The Shadowhunter’s Codex). The first ones weren’t really all that pleasing to me.

Flame in the Mist Cover

I like the new cover to Flame in the Mist better than the original as well. I think the colors are more aesthetically pleasing, and I’m not sure what the bird from the original cover has to do with the story.

Wicked Fox cover

I love the cover to Wicked Fox! It hasn’t been redesigned or anything, but it was the cover that drew me into this book to begin with. The title was just okay for me, but once I saw this cover, I knew I had to read it!

Shatter Me cover

I’m probably alone here, but I think the Shatter Me covers are creepy. I’m not a big fan of the eyes. Sorry. I wouldn’t mind a redesign of these covers with something other than eyes.

American Panda cover

They redesigned the American Panda cover for paperback… and I’m just not feeling it. I like the original hardback cover pictured here. I like the model’s angle with her holding the frothy beverage… it makes me think of winter, so maybe that’s why they redid it, but I like this one better.

Divergent in Russian

I’m not a big fan of the Divergent movie tie-in covers either. I prefer the original covers with the flame.

Kiss Quotient cover

I guess I’m talking about redesigns more than I thought I would today. I really like the original US version of The Kiss Quotient. I don’t really care for the UK cover with the heart. “You had me at math” was why I decided to give this book a try, and the whole division sign on the front added to my love for this cover.

Rebel cover

I really like the cover to Rebel with the butterfly and the riot of chalk dust. I don’t know how I’d feel if they re-designed the original trilogy to match this one, but this one is nice the way it is.

Blood Heir cover

There is a redesigned cover for Blood Heir going around, and I’m not sure if they’re planning on using the original cover (pictured here) or the other cover, but I prefer this cover. The publishers and author decided to push back the release date after there was a little bit of controversy, but I don’t see why it would have warranted a new cover, IMO.

Of Curses and Kisses cover

I love the cover for Of Curses and Kisses as well. It’s a little hard to see at this size, but I absolutely love the detail on Jaya’s shoes and the detail in the lettering. This is supposed to be a trilogy so I’m looking forward to three of these adorable illustrated covers!

So that’s my Top Ten Tuesday about book covers! What covers do you love or hate? I’m looking forward to seeing what everybody else has to say!


    1. Although I think all covers will get dated at some point anyway. Book trends come and go. But the movie characters aren’t necessarily the same vision I have for the characters.

    1. I hope you like it. I was able to read the older version (I was approved for the ARC the day before they pulled it) and I thought it was really good. I’m sure edits will make it even better!

  1. I’m not a fan of movie tie in covers either, but The Fault in Our Stars is the only exception. I really like seeing Hazel and Augustus on the cover.

    I hope they don’t change the cover for Blood Heir, too. It’s actually pretty cool as is.

    1. I’ll have to take a look at the TFIOS covers! The first one is a little plain, so I can see how the movie tie-in might be an improvement.

  2. I’m not a huge fan either of the Shatter Me covers, but I think they are better than the original one. I agree with you on Flame of the Mist, I do enjoy this one so much more.

    1. I forgot that I had seen the original Shatter Me cover before this week. That one’s kinda “meh” to me as well. I know the cover people can do better!

  3. I actually agree with Shatter Me. Back when it was first redesigned, I really liked it (it was so much better than the original), but now I’m not really a fan. It really is a bit creepy. Have you seen the Imagine Me cover? It’s…strange

    1. Yeah. Looking at an enlarged copy of the cover on Goodreads kinda grosses me out. I just think of what it would take for someone to put all that stuff on your eye and… I get the heebie jeebies. I wear contacts so I have no problem with sticking a finger in my eye, but… maybe it’s because I almost never wear eye makeup so I can’t really picture putting stuff around my eyes like that.

  4. Agreed with so many of these! I really am fond of that cover for Of Curses and Kisses. I’m such a fan of illustrated covers. The colouring on that one is gorgeous and I MUST have it. (Insert bizarre cackling here.) But in all sincerity great picks!

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