The Netflix Book Tag

Hello! I was tagged by Sioban’s Novelties to do the Netflix book tag! I don’t watch a lot of movies, but this is all about books, and the questions are really interesting. As far as I can tell, it was created by A Darker Shade of Whitney over on YouTube. So here are my answers:

Recently Watched | The Last Book You Finished

A Court of Wings and Ruin cover

I just finished A Court of Wings and Ruin last night! I would have liked to have taken a couple more days (I got it on Audiobook and it was due back at the library). I was tired as anything but had to finish it, so I put it on 2x speed. I really need to only request one audiobook from the library at a time, because I had two that came in at the same time and it was just too much. But I did finish this book, and it was pretty good.

Top Picks | A Book That Has Been Recommended to You Based on What You’ve Previously Read

Naughts and Crosses

Naughts and Crosses was a Goodreads recommendation based on the fact that I liked The Midnight Star. It’s on my summer TBR, so we’ll see if Goodreads was accurate in this one.

Recently Added | The Last Book You Purchased

I had to check my account for this one. I thought it might be Veronica Roth’s The Chosen Ones (which doesn’t come out until next May but I just pre-ordered) but it just happens to be Kim Chance’s Keeper, which went on sale for $.99. It was still on sale yesterday; it might still be on sale today, but I don’t know.

Popular on Netflix | Books That Everyone Knows (Two You’ve Read, and Two You Have No Interest in Reading)

The Wicked King cover
The Gilded Wolves cover

These are currently two books that are at the top of Goodreads’ YA Novels of 2019 list, and I’ve read them both.

Children of Virtue and Vengeance cover
Wonder Woman cover

Again, I checked the Goodreads’ lists for books that have been popular in the last couple of years. Children of Blood and Bone was just okay for me (although it was well written), and I’m not really a big fan of superheroes, even though I love Leigh Bardugo’s books.

Comedies | A Funny Book

There's Something About Sweetie

This category was difficult for me, because although I read a lot of books that have some funny moments in them, I don’t really read books that are supposed to be funny. But Sandhya Menon’s books do tend to have some comedy in them, so I’ll go with There’s Something About Sweetie for this category.

Dramas | A Character Who Is a Drama Queen/King

The Thousandth Floor cover

I guess you could say that there’s a lot of drama going on around The Thousandth Floor. Although I’m not sure you could pick one character for that nomination. Avery: “Oh, I’m in love with my stepbrother and my best friend seems to have a thing for him!” Leda: “I need to spy on Atlas because I need to find out if he’s seeing someone else!” Drama is this book’s middle name.

Animated | A Book with Cartoons on the Cover

Does a book count as a book if it’s only available on Audiobook? I don’t know, but I’m going to put it here anyway. Rivals! Frenemies Who Changed the World was the last book I read (listened to) with an obviously cartoonish cover. My boy and I listened to it when we had car rides together.

Watch It Again | A Book or Series You Want to Reread

Sky Without Stars cover

I adored Sky Without Stars and I hope to read it again, probably before the next book in the series comes out.

Documentaries | A Nonfiction Book You’d Recommend to Everyone

Addicted to Outrage cover

This one is another tricky category. We all have different interests, so how could I recommend one book? I absolutely adored The Fourth Turning, but does that mean that everybody will? Probably not. I went with Glenn Beck’s Addicted to Outrage because it’s one of those books that people should read. There’s such animosity towards each other these days, and I think if we could find things to agree with each other on rather than try to provoke “the other side” then maybe we could get stuff done? A lot of people have problems with Glenn Beck as a person but just because someone doesn’t like the messenger doesn’t mean the message isn’t good.

Action and Adventure | An Action-Packed Book or Series

City of Bones cover

The Mortal Instruments series has a lot of action within.

New Releases | A Book That Just Came Out or Will Be Coming Out Soon That You Can’t Wait to Read

Ninth House cover

October 1st is a huge release date for me. I’m getting three pre-orders on that day, including Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo. There’s also Rebel (which I normally feature but I wanted some variety today) and The End and Other Beginnings by Veronica Roth. Oh, and I also have three ARCs to read that are releasing on the same date (at least I get to read those earlier, but it’s making my reviews difficult to schedule).

Tag, You’re It!

If you liked this tag and would like to do it yourself, consider yourself tagged! If you decide to do it, would you send a link to me so I can see what you have to say?


    1. I liked it better than the end of Kingdom of Ash (although I know there’s more to come in this story).

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