Why I’m Weird Book Tag

Today I’m doing the Why I’m Weird book tag. I spotted it over at Feed Your Fiction Addiction, but it was started by Dellybird. All you have to do for this tag is name ten weird things about yourself.

“Why I am Weird” Tag rules

  • List ten weird things about yourself, your life or silly habits that you wouldn’t normally share.
  • Tag up to ten people so you can get to know them better.
  • Link back to the person who tagged you & the creator
  • Comment on the posts of people you tagged!

1. I almost never watch television or movies. I probably haven’t watched anything that my husband or kids haven’t dragged me to since the Olympics in Pyeongchang two years ago. I really love the Olympics though. We don’t have cable anymore because we never watch TV, but I do subscribe to live TV for one month every other year to watch the Olympics.

2. I met my husband over the internet. That might not be weird now, but it was pretty much unheard of back in the day. We met before Google was founded. I’m really thankful for the internet, because guys were never really interested in me. I’ve only gone out with one guy that I didn’t meet on the internet.

3. My boy and I have our own language, called the ooo language. There are a few rules and exceptions to it, but I call him “Tanoo” and I’m “Mamoo”. And then you can say “I love ooo”.

4. I love languages in general, and have a lot of flags behind my name in Duolingo. I’m only literate in a few, but I don’t even know how many languages I can say a few things in. I sometimes sprinkle in words from other languages in conversations with my kids. Everyone in my family speaks multiple languages. My boy speaks some Japanese and can count to 59 in Korean.

5. I don’t drink coffee. I tried it once and thought it was disgusting, and didn’t see the point afterwards. I do drink unsweetened tea though.

6. I don’t like most condiments, like ketchup or mustard, either. The same holds true for relish, pickles, and tomatoes (although I’m cool with tomato sauce). Unless it’s a barbecue burger or something like that, I usually get my burgers plain.

7. I’m triggered by doorbells and babies. The doorbell thing stems from a year ago, when we had a police visit due to a family issue. Now unless I’m expecting it, a part of me is afraid they might be stopping by. The baby thing is due to secondary infertility. If I ignore babies, I’m usually okay though.

8. I hate shopping. Unless it’s books. When I do have to buy something, I usually know exactly what I’m looking for and will come home empty-handed if I don’t find it. Even with books, I know exactly what I want.

9. I get anxious talking on the phone. Especially with strangers or people I don’t know very well. The other day I drove a half hour to ask a question in person rather than making a phone call.

10. I get cold really easily. When we were in Arizona last month, I realized that if I had magical powers I’d be a fire mage, because “the heat never bothered me anyway.” Either that, or a water mage, because I love swimming. Maybe a fire/water mage.

So there’s some weird things about me. What about you? What makes you weird? If you’d like to do this tag, I pick you! I guess my reluctance to tag is another thing that makes me weird. I’m always fearful of leaving someone out or annoying someone else. So, if you do this tag, let me know so I can see it!


  1. I met my spouse over the Internet, too! It was 15 years ago, so it was definitely a weird thing for people to do back then. How long have you and your husband been together?

    And I also get anxious when making/being on phone calls. It’s so nerve-wracking to not be able to see the other person’s facial expressions or body language. Is that also why you dislike it?
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    1. I’m not sure about the phone thing… I’m always afraid, like if I’m calling someone at some company or something, that I might forget what I’m supposed to say or something like that. Like they’ll ask me a question I don’t know and I’ll have to hang up.

  2. I can definitely relate to not watching tv/movies that often. I usually only watch them when I’m with other people and it’s more of a group activity. Otherwise, I tend to fill the time I would be watching stuff with reading or blogging instead. Fun tag!

    1. Another thing that’s kind of weird about me… I never really minded it when that was my job at work. Maybe because I already usually knew the answers to what they were going to ask me, or I could just transfer the call to someone else if it was outside my area.

  3. Shopping is the worst!! Especially if it’s for clothes. I love that online shopping exists because I hate having to go into stores and stand around and try things on. I also don’t really like phone calls that much. Nowadays, most calls I get on my phone are spam, so I always keep my phone on silent and ignore most of my calls, and I don’t have a house phone. I think it’s just so uncommon nowadays for people to call especially when we have email and text. This tag was so interesting to read!
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