Character Traits I Love

Top Ten Tuesday

Hello! Welcome to another Tuesday. You know what that means: it’s Top Ten Tuesday! Every week we make a list, and it’s hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! Today we’re going to talk about character traits that I love.

Kiss Quotient cover

Intelligence. I have a hard time dealing with characters that are dumb as a box of rocks. Hey, let’s go take time during my work day to snoop around the office of the guy that has already assaulted me! Um, no. If you do poke around the guy’s office, be smart about it, K? If there’s a chance he might come back, then be really quick about it. That isn’t a problem with The Kiss Quotient. The main character in the book is smart, and I’ve said before, this book “had me at math.”

Divergent cover

Nice Boys and Their First Loves. I just love reading about boys and their first loves. Four is one of those kinds of characters. Before leaving for Dauntless, Tobias was abused and had such poor self-esteem, but after transferring to Dauntless the girls weren’t really his type. Enter Tris. I just love Divergent, and I think it’s going to need a reread in 2020.

Legend cover

Cinnamon Roll Boys. I just love all those boys who have been through so much and yet — still manage to have a heart in the end. They’re not necessarily in the previous category, but I love all of them. I just want to give them hugs and tell them that things will get better. They will, right? Maybe not if you’re Four. I don’t care what the short story “We Can Be Mended” says… but I digress. I just love Day (and his brother Eden) and want to hug them.

Clockwork Angel cover

Nice Boys Who Push People Away. I seem to have a type: nice boys. The Infernal Devices was such a lovely series. I just absolutely adored Will, and ugly cried so hard when I read the end of Clockwork Princess.

Young Elites cover

Sympathetic Characters. Adelina Amouteru might have been evil, but I love her anyway. Why? Because she was sympathetic. She had such a sad story and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, even though she hurt a lot of people. I rooted for her to change and become a good person (because I believe anybody can be redeemed).

Crow Flight Cover

People Who are Into Computers. If a story involves characters that are into computers, I’ll probably be into that story. Since I majored in computer science in college, I always feel some sort of camaraderie with them.

When Dimple Met Rishi cover

Funny Characters. Dimple has a couple things going for her: not only does she like computers, but her story with Rishi is so funny. Plus she’s smart. What’s more to love? No wonder I adored this story.

Fangirl cover

Writers. If a girl writes, then I already have something in common with them. This is probably one of the reasons why I loved Fangirl so much.

Frequency Cover

People Who are Into Music. Again, since I was completely into music when I was in high school and college, I find myself having things in common with book characters that are too. Especially if it’s a big part of the story.

Carve the Mark cover

Strong Girls. Girls in the books I love don’t have to lead an army into battle (that’s kind of unrealistic?). But I like girls that overcome things and know what they want. Cyra from Carve the Mark might have been a good fighter, but one of her biggest strengths is that she was constantly in pain yet kept on living anyway. She kept on being a hero and fighting for her country even though things were against her.

So there are ten character traits that I love. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to come up with ten; it was a challenge for me. What are character traits that you love? I can’t wait to see your answers.

Next week we’re going to talk about Extraordinary Book Titles. I’m not sure what I’m going to do for that. We’ll see. If I can’t find ten book titles I love, maybe I’ll go in a similar but different direction. See you then!


  1. I also love characters who are writers (and readers!). I’m not a writer outside of my blog, but it’s always interesting to read about someone else’s process, even if it’s a character in a book!

    1. If you write a blog, you’re a writer! Sometimes I say that I spent a long time not writing (I wrote my first two books in high school) but that’s not really true. I started writing product reviews and writing right after I got out of college. I spent a long time not writing fiction, but I realized a few years ago that I’m going to be writing *something* no matter what.

  2. I agree — strong girls don’t need to lead rebellions or wars. Books need to acknowledge that much more — characters like that are often second fiddle to female characters leading wars and the like, and yet they’re always more interesting., and have more potential imo.

    1. 🙂 I can see why people like to make books like that, and I do like some of them, but strength of mind and will is something that we all can achieve.

  3. I love cinnamon roll characters. Protect all of them! And funny characters made my list, too. There should be more funny characters in fiction.

    1. Some authors are much better at humor than others; it can be tricky to write. Maybe that’s why we don’t see more of it.

    1. 🙂 And our favorite authors just keep torturing them! But if it turns out okay for them in the end I’m usually happy.

  4. I have “Legend” on my Autumn TBR because of the excitement with the new Marie Lu book, plus I just really feel like I need to finally read this one. Glad to read your thoughts on a couple of the characters! Yay for nice boys and their first loves (always sweet!), and of course, funny characters. Someday I plan to read ‘Dimple,’ but haven’t managed it… yet! Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland last week, Brooke.
    Rissi JC recently posted…15 of the Best Stories to Enjoy this AutumnMy Profile

    1. It’s my pleasure to visit your site. I hope you enjoy the Legend series. I got a kick in the pants to read Dimple when Sandhya Menon came to speak at the Colorado Teen Literature conference, and I definitely don’t regret becoming acquainted with her work.

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