Extraordinary Book Quotes

Top Ten Tuesday

Hello! It’s Tuesday again, and time for another Top Ten Tuesday! Today’s topic was supposed to be Extraordinary Book Titles, but… I couldn’t really think of any. I can think of titles that I find boring as snot, but not really that many that jump out at me. So… since I started a book journal earlier this year and write down book quotes I love, I’ll feature some of my favorite book quotes! In April I did a Top Ten Tuesday topic called Book Quotes that Move Me, but I’ll include different quotes this week.

Top Ten Tuesday, as always, is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl!

When Dimple Met Rishi cover

It’s like you have this paintbrush, dipped in brilliant mauves and teals and golds, and you just totally redid my monochromatic life.

When Dimple Met Rishi, p. 377

I thought this was a beautiful quote.

Tiger at Midnight Cover

Could death ever truly be honorable? It was always a loss, a period instead of a comma.

The Tiger at Midnight, p. 283

The thought of the end of someone’s life being a period at the end of one’s story struck me.

Rebel cover

dreams can’t come true if you don’t have them.

Rebel, loc. 2163 (taken from the ARC)

I always love quotes about dreaming big and going for the big goals.

The Poppy War cover

Great danger is always associated with great power. The difference between the great and the mediocre is that the great are willing to take that risk.

The Poppy War, p.320

I’m finding so many great quotes in my book journal that I could probably do several of these Top Ten Tuesday posts!

The Evil Queen cover

Evil never came dressed as a devil; evil came disguised as a dream, as tempting as the shiny red apples they’d once consumed.

The Evil Queen, loc. 59 (taken from the ARC).

The Evil Queen had quite a few great quotes in it.

Spin the Dawn cover

I knew than that we were like two pieces of cloth, sewn together for life. Our stitches couldn’t be undone.

Spin the Dawn, loc. 4391 (taken from the ARC).

Reading this quote makes me get excited for Unravel the Dusk, which comes out next year!

A Very Large Expanse of Sea cover

The more I got to know people, the more I realized we were all just a bunch of frightened idiots walking around in the dark, bumping into each other and panicking for no reason at all.

A Very Large Expanse of Sea, p. 309

This book takes place after 9/11. A lot of people were antagonistic towards the protagonist, but at the same time, the main character did seem to keep people at a distance. She eventually learned to give people a chance.

Carve the Mark cover

I couldn’t very well free myself from my own nightmares by bringing Akos’s to life.

Carve the Mark, p. 455
City of Ashes Cover

They place the face of their enemy onto the face of their neighbor, and thus are generations of misery assured.

City of Ashes, p. 401

Some of the reasons why people choose to hate others are pretty silly.

This is How You Lose the Time War cover

How many boards would the Mongols board if the Mongol horde got bored?

This is How You Lose the Time War – p. 34 (taken from the ARC)

One of the characters traveled back to the time of the Mongols and taught them how to make lumber mills.

So that’s today’s Top Ten Tuesday. What book titles do you really like? Do you have a favorite book quote? Next week we’re going to talk about books I’d give different titles to. Maybe I’ll be able to think of book titles for that one. See you next week!


    1. It’s a great story. If you haven’t had the chance to read There’s Something About Sweetie, you should. Next year, 10 Things I Hate About Pinkie (also in the Dimpleverse) comes out!

  1. Great topic choice for this week! I love these quotes. That one from This Is How You Lose the Time War really had me chuckling πŸ˜…And that one from A Very Large Expanse of Sea is so incredibly relatable and rings so much truth. Great TTT!

    My TTT post

    1. You have a great site. I really liked Spin the Dawn. It wasn’t really a sewing book, LOL, it was a beautiful adventure/love story.

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