Books with a Food Theme

Top Ten Tuesday

Hello! Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl), where we talk books! Today’s topic is supposed to be “Books that Make Me Hungry,” but I have a confession: I am not a foodie. I see food as a vehicle to give you energy and (hopefully, if you make the right choices) keep you healthy. I believe in the Weston A. Price philosophy of nutrition, and “let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food.” My husband is the foodie; he’s always watching cooking shows and planning what he’s going to make on the weekends. Anyway, today’s books are themed on food. There’s a couple from the days I studied functional nutrition and was a regular listener to Sean Croxton’s old Underground Wellness podcast, along with a few newer books with food as the theme. Let’s get started!

Nourishig Traditions

I so wish that Sean Croxton was still doing his podcast! I’m happy that he’s doing well for himself, but I learned so much from his podcast and from the books he recommended. One of the books I got was Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. I’m not sure if I made many of the recipes in this book (other than the kombucha) but it does have a lot of useful information in it.

Deep Nutrition

Deep Nutrition is another book I read back in the day (there is a newer edition that I’m linking to; the cover is from the edition I read). This isn’t a cookbook, but it does tell about how eating real food can make a difference in both your health and the health of your children.

In a way, it kind of bothers me when people talk about people doing “research” on Google and therefore insist that unless they have a nutrition degree they have no idea what they’re talking about. The author of this book is a doctor, and back in the day, I read a lot of books like this.

Tweet Cute cover

And now for something completely different (and, unlike the above two books, will probably be on several lists this week). Tweet Cute is an adorable story about two people whose parents own restaurants. And the girl in the story likes to make desserts. So unlike me (but a lot like my boy; he likes to cook). It might seem like this book is all about Twitter, but there’s a lot of food in this book.

Red Famine cover

Perhaps a book about a famine is the opposite of a book that makes you hungry, but since I’m doing a post about books with a food theme, and Red Famine is all about how Stalin took away food from people so they starved, this one counts. Makes me thankful I have food in my pantry, despite our family being on unemployment at the moment.

The Best Laid Plans

So, The Best Laid Plans isn’t a food-heavy book, but there’s a slice of pizza on the cover (and pizza does play a part in the book) so I’m including it here. Plus, they do go to Costco and buy a bunch of food for a party here.

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy is not going to make you hungry (in fact, quite the opposite). The food at the Shadowhunter Academy makes me look like a halfway competent chef (which I am not). But since the terrible food is mentioned many times in this book, I’m including it here. This is what you get when a non-foodie writes a food-related blog post.

Pumpkinheads cover

There’s pumpkins on the cover of the graphic novel Pumpkinheads, there’s literally pumpkin in the title of the book, and they eat a lot in this book. So I’m going to say this counts.

When Dimple Met Rishi cover

Dimple is drinking coffee on the cover of When Dimple Met Rishi, and they do go to a restaurant in this book. That’s close enough for this blog.


There’s an apple on the cover of Twilight. And there are several scenes in the school cafeteria or in a restaurant. Plus Bella cooks (better than me).

Beautiful Babies

Here’s another book from when I was learning a lot about functional nutrition. Beautiful Babies is a book on nutrition to help boost your fertility. Sadly, it didn’t work for me (I have secondary infertility), but it does have good information on nutrition in general.

So there are 10 books with a food-like theme to them (although I admit some of them are a stretch). What did you pick? Next week we’re going to talk about books for our younger self. There could be a whole bunch of books here.


  1. I kinda want to be a foodie lol but I’m not sure it ever takes. Ha but I do love food, so there is that! And I love it when I see pizza on a cover, actually, but it usually makes me want a slice so maybe that’s not good! Also, Pumpkinheads looks so fun.
    Greg recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday 218My Profile

    1. Haha pizza is always good. We’re having it tomorrow. You should read Pumpkinheads in October. It’s a quick read (even my then 12-year-old read it in one afternoon).

    1. It was really good. I should read some more nutrition books. It’s been a while. Even though I remember a lot of the basics, it’s easy to forget things like the benefits of certain vitamins and how the different chemicals react in your body.

    1. I’m a big fan of pizza too. I wonder if there’s someone who’s made all the desserts in Tweet Cute. I bet there has been.

    1. Haha. I still haven’t read Midnight Sun (although the cover doesn’t really seem that appetizing to me). Maybe that’s why I thought of cafeteria food.

    1. Pumpkinheads is a great book. I’m not ready for fall (summer is my favorite season) but at least we have books like that!

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