Book Covers with Fall Colors/Vibes

Top Ten Tuesday

It’s Tuesday again, which means it’s time for another installment of Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl)! Other than that summer snow we had a few weeks ago, the weather is still warm, but the leaves are turning color (and our annual plants died in the garden).

Most books I read are either summery books, wintery books, or neutral books. In fact, I have a TBR lottery to help me pick out books, and for the winter I usually exclude summer book choices and vice versa. Since I don’t have too many books that remind me of fall, this might be a challenge, but that also allows me to add some books I might ordinarily not think of. So let’s go!

Pumpkinheads cover

If there’s one book I would bet that I’d see on multiple lists this week, it would be Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell. If you’re going to read it this year, now would be the time to do so. The whole book is about people that work in a pumpkin patch!

Spooky Old Tree

The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree is one of those books that I don’t normally include on my lists, but I think it belongs here. Come to think of it, it has a really long title too, so it might get a spot on next week’s list too. But we’ll see.

Where the Red Fern Grows

Another book I haven’t thought about in a while is Where the Red Fern Grows. This cover is from an older edition (the newer one doesn’t seem as fall-like) but most of the covers over the years have given off fall vibes.

Call of the Raven

I haven’t read this book yet, but the orange and black on the cover of Call of the Raven seem to say fall to me. It just happened to be sitting around my pile of books waiting to be read, and that’s how it grabbed my attention.

A Spectacle of Souls

A Spectacle of Souls by Jessica Julien isn’t orange and black, but it does have something of a creepy vibe to it.

Conquest cover

Conquest has an orange and black cover and a dragon made out of flames. The book itself can be read at any time of year, but the cover definitely screams fall.

Chain of Gold cover

Chain of Gold is one of those covers that gives off both fall and spring vibes. The fall leaves in Cordelia’s hair remind me of autumn, but the gates in the background remind me of spring. I guess it’s only fitting, since the book was originally supposed to come out in the fall of 2019 and didn’t come out until this March.

Call Down the Hawk cover

Call Down the Hawk has an orange and black cover and a bird. Technically I’m sure it’s supposed to be a hawk, but if we want to, we can pretend it’s a creepy bird like the raven in Poe’s poem.

Safe Harbour cover

Normally when I think of camping, I think of summer, but I think there’s snow on the ground on this cover? Plus, having read the book, I know that Safe Harbour begins sometime in late summer or early fall and continues on into winter. So in my mind, it definitely doesn’t give off visions of s’mores by a warm campfire in the middle of July.

Frequency Cover

Another cover with some fall-like vibes is Frequency by Christopher Krovatin. It’s got the orange colors going on, even though it doesn’t exactly scream fall. I think it takes place in the fall too, but it’s been a couple years since I read it, so I’m not 100% sure.

Well, I did it! Ten covers with fall colors and/or vibes. This one was a little bit of a challenge for me, but one of the good things about challenging topics, I think, is that it causes me to go through Goodreads and find books that I haven’t talked about in a while. One of the great things about Top Ten Tuesday is that you get to see all these other books, and older books deserve some love from time to time too.

What did you come up with this week? Next week, we’re going to talk about books with really long titles. Time to break out all the books that we tend to abbreviate.


    1. Those are the best books! The Mortal Instruments takes place in late summer/early fall, so now would be a great time to start, LOL.

    1. 🙂 I made a mini Olaf on our patio table when it snowed a few weeks ago. It was crazy! I ended up singing that song “Summer” from Frozen quite a lot that day.

    1. Thinking about it makes me want to read it again. All the copies at our library are checked out right now, so I guess I’ll wait until next year. Gotta plan ahead for that one to read it in October!

    1. I love it too. I’m not so enamored with Chain of Iron, but I bet the contents inside are going to be amazing!

    1. It’s perfect for this week! I can’t remember what time of year Chain of Gold takes place in. I’ll probably reread it in February next year (before Chain of Iron comes out). Probably should pay attention to that.

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