Creatures That Go Bump in the Night

Top Ten Tuesday

It’s Tuesday again, and you know what that means! Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl). Today is supposed to be a “Halloween Freebie” but I don’t celebrate Halloween (I may include it in a book someday, but partly it involves my now dh’s former fiancée and a trip to Knott’s Scary Farm). So I decided to twist the topic and write about creatures that are in books I read that are often associated with Halloween. So let’s get started!

City of Bones cover

Shadowhunters books have all sorts of supernatural creatures: vampires, werewolves, warlocks, and even the occasional ghost! These aren’t scary books or anything like that though.

11/22/1963 cover

Stephen King is typically known for his scary stories, but 11/22/63 isn’t exactly one of them. It’s a time-traveling story where a man goes back and tries to prevent the shooting of JFK. There is a reference to a killer clown though.

The Chosen Ones cover

So Chosen Ones wouldn’t be my go-to book for Halloween (then again, I don’t celebrate Halloween anyway), but this book does have zombies. So I guess it fits in this week’s theme.


The first line of Skyhunter is “Ghosts travel in packs.” They’re not exactly what you’re probably thinking of, but this is a ghost book like Chosen Ones is a zombie book.

slasher girls and monster boys cover

Slasher Girls and Monster Boys is a book of horror stories. Some of these stories are scarier than others, and some do have some bona fide creatures that go bump in the night.


Vampires definitely count as creatures that go bump in the night. Twilight also has werewolves too, although those take a slightly less prominent role.

The Damned cover

Happily, Renée Ahdieh’s book about vampires is going to be a trilogy. Goodreads still doesn’t reflect that a third book was picked up, but I saw it on Twitter.

The Lady Rogue cover

While The Lady Rogue doesn’t exactly scream “scary!” it is a story that revolves around the real Count Dracula. Dracula reminds one of vampires, which fits into today’s topic.

And I Darken cover

And while we’re on the subject of the real Vlad the Impaler, Kiersten White’s And I Darken is a retelling of this historical era–with a twist. Dracula is female in this story. This book isn’t really paranormal, but it does give some of the background to our most famous spooky tales.

An Ember in the Ashes Cover

An Ember in the Ashes is also not a scary story, but it does contain some creatures that often only are seen wandering the streets on October 31st. There are ghosts, wights, efrits, and other fantastical creatures.

So that is this year’s Halloween Freebie on Top Ten Tuesday. There are a lot of similarities between this list and last year’s list; sorry about that. I don’t read a lot of scary books, I guess.

Next week, we’re going to take a completely different tack and talk about non-bookish hobbies. Those exist? Maybe I’ll just have to include things I’m interested in but don’t ever have time for. We’ll see.

So what did you write about this week? Since this is a freebie week, I’m sure we’ll see quite a variety.


    1. The Zombies aren’t a main feature of the book, but they are there. They probably don’t advertise the zombies because to say how they got into the book would be a little spoilery.

    1. I don’t know if I find most stories scary… although I guess I don’t go look for those kinds of books either.

    1. I had never read It (but I knew what it was about) but when I saw the reference to the clown I just loved how clever it was! I had to Google the details of the book to make sure the clown was in the right time period.

    1. Thank you! I hope you like Skyhunter when you get the chance to read it. I’m looking forward to the sequel next fall! Of course, between now and then there will be many new wonderful books to read!

    1. Isn’t it like that on so many of these TTTs? There are so many books, but not enough time to read them all.

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