Would You Rather? Book Edition

Hello! I’ve been tagged by Siobhan’s Novelties to do the Would You Rather? – Book Edition. I tracked down the book tag and I think it started as a YouTube video by Rachel Reads. It looked like a lot of fun (and this one is easier than a lot of book tags).

Read Only Trilogies or Standalones?

I probably would rather read trilogies. Most of the books I read last longer than one book anyway.

Read Only Female or Male Authors?

Female authors. All ten of my favorite books I read for the first time in 2018 were female.

Shop at Barnes & Noble or Amazon?

Amazon logo

Amazon. I almost always keep money in my Amazon account, that way if I want to order something, I don’t have to worry if there’s money in my bank account.

All Books Becomes Movies or TV Shows?

Probably movies? I don’t watch much of either though.

Read Five Pages Per Day or Five Books Per Week?

Five books a week. I don’t know how I’d manage it, but I couldn’t imagine only reading five pages a day.

Be a Professional Reviewer or Author?

Medieval Writing Desk

Author. I’ve wanted to be one since about 3rd grade.

Only Read Your Top Twenty Favourite Books Over and Over or Always Read New Ones That You Haven’t Read Before?

Wow this one’s tough. I might pick rereading my favorites. But I’d really hate to have to give up new books too.

Be a Librarian or Bookseller?

Librarian. I worked at a library when I was in college. I’d love to be able to help kids find new books.

Only Read Your Favourite Genre or Every Genre except Your Favourite?

Probably my favorite genre. But can I widen it to speculative fiction? Because that encompasses a lot.

Only Read Physical Books or E-Books?

Physical books. If I have both (which I do of some books) I’ll usually pick the physical one.

Jukebox Joyride

Jukebox Joyride cover

Over the summer, my boy and I listened to Jukebox Joyride while riding in the car together. He’s 12, and not all of the audiobooks I get are really appropriate for that age. Audible gives it’s members two free Audible Originals every month, and this was one of the choices.

Jukebox Joyride is an adorable trek through music history. George and his sister Jules live with their mom and love music. They used to live with their uncle too, but he disappeared a while back. Uncle Bob used to be an ethnomusicologist before he vanished.

It turns out, their Uncle Bob left them a magical music box that allows them to travel through time. The two kids travel to various time periods and get to experience music throughout history. They get to listen to early Jazz in New Orleans, meet Mozart as a child, and get to listen to music at an old medicine show. It’s a lot of fun.

Not everything is happy though. They are in danger, and so is their Uncle Bob. Will they be able to save their uncle, as well as music history? You’ll have to listen to this adorable story to find out.

Jukebox Joyride is a great middle grade book to listen to with your kids. Not only is it a lot of fun, but it’s also educational. They’ll get to listen to different styles of music in history and learn about different historical eras. They’ll get to learn more about Mozart (even Nannerl, who is the main character in Marie Lu’s Kingdom of Back, shows up in that part of the story). Even though it’s educational, there’s a lot of excitement, so it doesn’t make learning a chore.

I highly recommend Jukebox Joyride for middle grade readers, especially if you have long car rides with them. Or if you like middle grade books and have times when you listen to audiobooks. It’s no longer the free Audible selection, but the price is reasonable. Don’t waste your Audible credit on this one; it’s about $5, and unless you have a really cheap way to get them, it’s cheaper to buy it than use a credit.

Books that Lost the Fall 2019 TBR Lottery

Top Ten Tuesday

Hello! Welcome to another week of Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl)! Today we’re supposed to write about “Favorite Things to Eat/Drink While Reading” but water doesn’t sound all that exciting. Instead, I’m doing a post to bridge the gap between last week (Books I Really Want to Read But Haven’t Had Time For Yet) and next week (Books on my Fall 2019 TBR).

I have so many books that I want to read that I’ve resorted to drawing my seasonal TBR choices out of a figurative hat (I actually use a random number generator). There were six books I absolutely had to read as soon as possible (pre-orders), and that left four slots for the fall 2019 TBR lottery. There were 45 books on my list. Here are ten of the books that didn’t make the TBR lottery for this fall.

I got a copy of Listen to Your Heart from the Colorado Teen Literature Conference that I attended earlier this year. I had been hoping to find some time to read it this summer, but I didn’t. And it lost the TBR lottery this time around. Since it’s a summery looking book, unless I find time to slip in another book before the weather starts to chill, I’ll probably wait until next summer to read it.

Onyx cover

I read Obsidian earlier this year, but I still haven’t moved forward in the Lux series. I’ll put this one on the list for the winter TBR and see if it wins.

The Kiss Quotient was good, so I’d like to read The Bride Test also. Well, not right now. Maybe it’ll have better luck in the winter. I think this is a book that would have year-round appeal, at least.

Once & Future, a futuristic King Arthur retelling, was on the list of books I was interested in reading this fall. The odds were not in its favor. Maybe I’ll read it this winter.

Mirror Gate cover

Mirror Gate is the sequel to Storm Glass, a book I read last winter (I remember listening to it while driving through harrowingly snowy roads). Maybe this is one of those series I’m destined to read in the cold.

Three Dark Crowns cover

I found Three Dark Crowns on sale for $1.99 and had to pick it up. Unfortunately, I haven’t found time to read it yet. It looks like fate doesn’t want me to read it yet either.

Shatter Me cover

Despite the creepy eye on the cover, I did pick up a copy of Shatter Me when it was on sale for $1.99. I read A Very Large Expanse of Sea earlier this year, so Tahereh Mafi is no longer a new-to-me author, however, this series is.

Black Wings Beating cover

Will I ever stop buying books on sale? Probably not. Black Wings Beating was another sale book. And it’s another book I won’t read any time soon. Perhaps this book will win the winter lottery.

Wintersong cover

Wintersong has winter right on the cover; so maybe it’s good that I won’t be reading it just yet. I get cold just looking at the cover. Brrr! I’m sure this one will have another chance next quarter.

Meet Cute

Meet Cute seems to have a summery vibe to it, although that’s only from looking at the cover. I’ll probably wait until spring to see if this book wins then. It looks like a cute book, but so do a lot of books that I’d like to read someday.

So those are ten books that I thought about reading this fall, but I probably won’t. I usually schedule one ARC and one book from my seasonal TBR per week, so if I read more than that, I might be able to fit one of these in, but we’ll see. There are other books that didn’t win the TBR lottery that didn’t go here (or were listed last week). Those extra books will be whatever I feel like at the time.

Next week, I’ll post my actual Fall 2019 TBR and we’ll see how I did with my summer 2019 TBR.

Shadow Frost

Shadow Frost cover

I recently finished reading Shadow Frost by Coco Ma. Thank you Netgalley and Blackstone Publishing for providing me with an Advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review. It was really good… for a book that was written when the author was fifteen years old. While I enjoyed it overall, it wasn’t on the same level as a lot of my favorite books are.

The concept of this book is great. Asterin is a princess with a bit of fiestiness to her. When it’s discovered that a demon is running rampant through the kingdom, she volunteers to go, along with her best friend and four other guards. While out there, they discover that someone is trying to kill them. Asterin is a fairly powerful magic user and excellent swordswoman.

The biggest problem I had with this book was believability. Yes, I realize this is a fantasy book, so obviously you have to suspend reality on a bunch of things, but there are still universal elements we share in the human condition.

When Asterin’s mother, the queen, provides her with guards from another country, Asterin doesn’t seem to be suspicious. At all. I certainly would be. I did a foreign exchange with the Australian Navy once, but I certainly wasn’t guarding the Prime Minister’s daughter. Who lets new guards from a far-away country guard the princess? Furthermore, one of the guards decided to call the princess “brat” almost from the beginning. I think it’s meant to be witty banter, but could you imagine a foreign guard coming to protect Prince William when he was 17 or so and having the guard call him “brat” to his face? I can’t.

The love relationships didn’t seem believable either. The characters seemed to be sending mixed signals to each other. Is there a love triangle developing? Are they jealous of each other? Does she like him? Wait, what, he likes him? The characters that were supposed to be into each other didn’t seem to have a lot of chemistry between each other at the start. I couldn’t believe the depth of love that the characters were supposed to have for each other so quickly either. I’m not an opponent of instalove or insta-infatuation, but I just didn’t feel it here.

In Shadow Frost, a group of adventurers travel to attack the bad guy. It reminded me a bit of the Dragonlance books in that respect (which I loved). The plot had a bit of mystery to it, although I felt the author revealed some things a bit too early. The book had some plot twists, and I wasn’t sure who was who until we were almost at the end.

Overall, Shadow Frost was a solid debut for a teenage author. I didn’t dislike the book, but I’m not going to include it among my favorites either. I’m not sure if I will continue reading this series (so many books, so little time), but I would consider reading more books by Coco Ma in the future.

ABC Book Challenge – K

Aaah! I almost forgot to do the ABC Book Challenge today! I apologize for my lateness. You’d think that quitting my job would give me more time to do things, but not really. I have school to teach (I homeschool my boy), two doctor’s appointments to drive my daughter to every week, and then coop.

I found the ABC Book Challenge over at Me, Myself, and Books, but it was started (I think) by the Thrifty Bibliophile. Every week, I go through my books on Goodreads and find books that start with the letter of the week. There are more books that start with K than with J, but we still have a dearth of books. Anyway, let’s get to the K books!

Killing the SS cover

I usually like Bill O’Reilly’s Killing books. I’ve read five of them already (I think… I don’t think I’ve read more than five), but I haven’t read Killing the SS. I’ll probably eventually listen to it on audiobook since they’re a good way to sneak in extra books that I haven’t had time for. But first I need to listen to American Panda and Les Miserables, which I want to listen to as soon as possible. So maybe in 2020?

King of Scars cover

If king and kingdom didn’t begin with the letter K, I’d have a lot fewer books to work with today. I really want to read King of Scars. It was at the library a couple of times that I’ve been down in the teen section of the library, and I really wanted to get it, but I had other books to read. I will get to this at some point, but I’m pretty sure I’ll read Ninth House first.

Kingdom Cold cover

Kingdom Cold looked like an interesting book, so when I saw it on sale, I decided to pick it up. I think the cover is gorgeous! Anyway, I don’t hear too much about this book, but I still hope to get to reading this book someday.

Unlike the other books on today’s list, I know when I will start reading Marie Lu’s Kingdom of Back. Well, kind of. I’ll probably get a digital copy and hardback of this book, and the digital copy should arrive at 10 PM March 2nd. I’m sure I’ll read a chapter as soon as I get it, but if I have homeschool coop the next morning, I’ll have to get some sleep. But I can pretty much guarantee that I’ll read this book mostly on March 3, 2020.

Kiss Quotient cover

The Kiss Quotient had me at math. It was a sweet book, and at some point I want to read the sequel, The Bride Test. This isn’t a YA book by any stretch of the imagination, but if you’re looking for a sweet adult romance with autism representation, you might like this book. And you don’t actually have to enjoy math to enjoy this book. I identified with the main character in this way though.

So that’s the list of K books for the ABC Book Challenge. For the past few weeks, there haven’t been a lot of books for me to choose from but there are many more L books for me to choose from next week. Let’s hope that I don’t dawdle and post this on Monday morning when I should post this on Sunday.

There’s Something About Sweetie

There's Something About Sweetie

There’s Something About Sweetie was the second book I’ve read from Sandhya Menon, although I have the Of Curses and Kisses ARC (thanks Sandhya!), so I’ll probably read that one next. I checked this one out of my local library and listened to it via audiobook.

Sweetie is an Indian American who sings for fun and runs like the wind. Oh, and she’s also fat. She reminds me a lot about Mirna Valerio — AKA the Mirvinator — a well-known overweight distance runner. Sweetie is okay with her weight, but her mother certainly is not.

Ashish Patel, Rishi’s brother from When Dimple Met Rishi (link is to review) is in a slump. He’s always been a ladies’ man, but after the first girl he really cared about left him, his confidence is gone. He can’t even play basketball the way he used to. In a fit of desperation… he asks his parents to set him up with someone. It worked for his brother, right?

His parents try to set her up with Sweetie, but Sweetie’s mother won’t have it. She thinks that Sweetie is too fat, and people will laugh at her if she dates an athletic boy. So they start seeing each other behind their parents’ backs. You’ll have to read the book to find out what happens.

My Thoughts

I really liked There’s Something About Sweetie. It’s lighthearted, funny, and the characters are likeable. At the same time, this book does have a serious message. People are more than their weight. Health and weight are a complicated issue, and just because a person struggles with their weight doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve a person to love, to wear nice clothes, or to enjoy a meal at a restaurant.

The characters were great too. Sweetie and Ashish don’t go to the same school and have different sets of friends. Not only do we get to know Sweetie and Ashish, we get to know their friends. Ms. Menon does a great job in giving both of them supportive friends that have their own interests and problems.

The book does a great job in instilling teenage insecurities into the characters. I love how it tells the story from both Sweetie and Ashish’s points of view. The book also is infused with Indian culture.


I recommend There’s Something About Sweetie, but you should probably read When Dimple Met Rishi first. Both stories are in the same universe, and Dimple happens first. You can read one without the other, but reading them in order brings more depth to the world the characters inhabit. And you’ll definitely want to read both of these before 10 Things I Hate About Pinky comes out (June 2, 2020).  There are a lot of great books coming out by this author and you should read them!

Books I Really Want to Read But Haven’t Had Time For Yet

Top Ten Tuesday

Hello! Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl)! Today we’re supposed to talk about “Books on My TBR I’m Avoiding Reading and Why”. I’m not sure if I do avoid reading books, so I’m going to talk about books I really wanted to read but haven’t had time for yet. There are a lot of reasons why I have to put off reading a book I really want to read. I usually read ARCs in order of publication date to have them read in time. Some of my books I pick with a random number generator and they haven’t been picked yet. So here are ten books I really want to read… and they have to patiently wait.

Vicious cover

Any V.E. Schwab book: over the past year, I’ve been slowly whittling away at the authors that I keep saying I have to read, but haven’t. This year I’ve gotten to read several new-to-me authors that I really want to read, but V.E. Schwab, in all her incarnations, remains on my unread author list. (Spoiler alert: I picked one of her books by random number generator and it’s on my fall TBR).

The Unhoneymooners cover

The Unhoneymooners – Christina Lauren: Ever since I started hearing about The Unhoneymooners earlier this year, I thought it sounded like a good book. I just haven’t had time to read it yet.

Cinder cover

The Lunar Chronicles – Marissa Meyer: The entire Lunar Chronicles series was on sale over Black Friday weekend last year and I had to pick it up. Alas, I haven’t found time to read it.

Starfish cover

Starfish – Akemi Dawn Bowman: I got a copy of Starfish when it was on sale last year. I still want to read it, although it’s been on my TBR lottery at least twice, it hasn’t been picked. Eventually I’m sure I’ll read it.

The Boy and his Ribbon cover

The Boy & His Ribbon – Pepper Winters: This book looks interesting, but I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet. It didn’t win the TBR lottery this time either, so it’ll have to wait. The cover looks kinda wintery; maybe it will make my winter TBR.

Michael Vey cover

Michael Vey and the Prisoner of Cell 25 – Richard Paul Evans: My daughter read this years ago and I think we own this in both hardback and on the Kindle. It’s just slipped my mind to read it. It didn’t win the TBR lottery for the fall; let’s see if I can get to it in the winter.

Descendant of the Crane cover

Descendant of the Crane – Joan He: This is one of those books I requested on Netgalley and wasn’t approved for, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to read it. Look at the beautiful cover! It was on sale for $1.99 on Amazon a few months after it came out, so of course I picked it up… I just haven’t read it yet.

Opposite of Always cover

Opposite of Always – Justin A. Reynolds: This book sounds so interesting… and I bought it on sale. I buy a lot of books on sale (I find it hard to pass up $1.99 for a book). I forgot I even had this book. When I was coming up with the list of books I wanted to add to my fall TBR, I realized that I had gotten this book. This one didn’t win the fall TBR lottery either.

American Panda cover

American Panda – Gloria Chao: This book sounds so good! I’ve wanted to read it for about a year now. Although I forgot to put it in the running for the TBR lottery for this upcoming season, it is available on audiobook at my library! So… I’ll probably listen to this next, after I finish listening to this Audible course I’m listening to called The Other Side of History, which is kind of research for the book I’m writing. So I should take this one off my TBR soon.

King of Scars cover

King of Scars – Leigh Bardugo: Bardugo is an author whom I had only read a short story of before this year. I love her books now though. My library has copies just waiting for me to check out. I’m tempted whenever I see it, but I have other books I should read first.

So there’s a list of several books that I really want to read but haven’t gotten around to yet. This list could continue for several more Top Ten Tuesdays. Next week’s Top Ten Tuesday is supposed to be “Favorite Things to Eat/Drink While Reading.” Since I don’t necessarily eat (except lunch or dinner) while reading and mostly drink water, I think I’ll change it to “Books That Lost the Fall 2019 TBR Lottery” and continue this topic while segueing into my Fall 2019 TBR which I’ll post in two weeks.

Who Put This Song On?

Who Put this Song On cover

Who Put this Song On? is a memoir-type book about a girl who lives with depression at the time Barack Obama was elected president. I have to thank Netgalley and Delacorte Press for providing me with an Advanced Reader Copy. While overall, I enjoyed this book, there were a few things that I found a little distracting.

The themes in this book had a lot of promise. Depression rep? I have a family member dealing with depression. Music? Hey, the girl on the cover is listening to music! There’s a lot to be excited about with this book.

What I Liked

Who Put This Song On? was well-written. I liked the main character, Morgan, who has been having difficulty with depression. Everybody experiences depression in different ways (my family member’s experience is different than Morgan’s) but Morgan’s experience seems realistic. I would expect that, considering that the author went through it herself.

I like how Morgan’s friends stick by her as she goes through this difficult semester. They seem to have a typical teenage friendship, hanging out in school, talking about their experiences with boys, and passing around a notebook where they all write down their thoughts. Morgan experiences setbacks in life, but that happens.

The community where Morgan lives seems to be full of ignorant people. While they probably aren’t actually as stupid as the author portrays them, since we are seeing them through her eyes, her perspective of them seems realistic. The world she lives in is well-described and thought out.

The book goes a little into racism and the lack of knowledge that a lot of people (of all races) that a lot of people have about the Civil Rights movement and about groups like the Black Panthers. Who Put This Song On? does a good job about making race a part of Morgan’s experience without making the book an issue book. Not that there would have been a problem if it had been an issue book, but that would have detracted from Morgan’s main struggle, which was depression.

What I Didn’t Like

While overall I liked Who Put This Song On?, there were a couple things that I didn’t like. The story doesn’t seem to have an overarching plot. Morgan does one thing, then she does another thing, then she does another thing. The story didn’t seem to have a climax or inciting incident or anything that most stories have. I think I would have liked it better if it didn’t seem like Morgan was always waiting for her life to begin.

The other thing that I didn’t like was the anachronisms in the story. It takes place in the fall of 2008 when Barack Obama gets elected. The high school students make mix CDs and reference a specific Saved By the Bell episode. Who was making mix CDs in 2008? ITunes came out in 2001, and from what I remember, nearly everybody was listening to their music via MP3s at this time. Saved By the Bell ended in 1993; assuming the characters were 17, they would have been two years old when that show ended. There was nothing, other than this reference, to indicate that they were ’90s television aficionados.

While Who Put this Song On? does mention a lot of songs, music didn’t have as much of a role in the book as I thought it would.


Who Put This Song On? was an entertaining book, but I did have a few issues with it (most of them were minor though). It’s a book that deals with the important topics of depression and racism through characters that are realistic and relatable. It’s not going to make the list of my favorite books of the year, however, it’s a book that might be really helpful to some people. If not, it does provide entertainment.

ABC Book Challenge – J

Hello! Welcome to the ABC Book Challenge! I first heard of it over at Me, Myself, and Books, but as far as I know, it was started by The Thrifty Bibliophile. Every week from July to December, I go through “My Books” at Goodreads and point out some of the highlights.

This week is the letter J. I literally have three books on Goodreads that start with J, and one of them I didn’t really care for, so today’s going to be short.

Jukebox Joyride is a cute middle grade story about a couple of kids who love music and have a time-traveling music box. I listened to this in the car with my boy, and it was a lot of fun.

Jefferson’s War: America’s First War on Terror 1801-1805 talks about America’s war against the Barbary pirates during the early years of the republic. It sounds like it might be interesting, although if this had been any other week, it might not have made the challenge.

So that’s all I have for today! K doesn’t have a ton of books, but it does have more than J, so next week’s list should be bigger.

Wonderstruck Book Tag

Happy Saturday! I hope you’re having a good weekend. I found this book tag over at Berries and Books blog and thought it sounded fun, even though I don’t know much Taylor Swift music (I do like what I’ve heard of hers though). It was originally created by Olivia at Purely Olivia.


  • Link back to the creator (Olivia)
  • Answer as many or as few of the questions as you’d like.
  • Feel free to use any of the graphics in this post. 
  • Tag however many people you’d like at the end!

The graphics originally came from Purely Olivia (because she gave permission and I’m kinda lazy about making my own graphics).

Allegiant cover

I have a love/hate relationship with Allegiant. On the one hand, I loved this book up until chapter 50. On the other hand, I hate chapter 50 and everything that happened afterwards. Then again, it did get me into fanfiction. If it wasn’t for fanfiction, I wouldn’t be writing like I am now. I just don’t accept the ending.

City of Bones cover

There are a lot of books that I think about after I finish them, and usually they end up being rereads. The Mortal Instruments series was one of them. I’m doing the #ReadShadowhunters readalong (although I kinda finish each book before the schedule says to) and I just finished City of Ashes, but I love this whole series. I want to go ahead and read the next book, but I don’t want to get too far ahead, and I have all these other books I want to read too. So patience.

Dragons of Autumn Twilight cover

Before you complain, I actually know that Dragons of Autumn Twilight was a movie. It was a terrible animated movie. No, I want a good movie made out of Dragonlance with the Lord of the Rings treatment to it.

Queen of Air and Darkness cover

I don’t know about the most beautiful cover, but I absolutely adore the inside of the Queen of Air and Darkness dust jacket. I only showed half of it here, but it’s beautiful. And most of the time it’s hidden.

I can’t think of anything here. Maybe I’m just oblivious to hate. Or maybe I just hang around positive people.

Anne of Green Gables cover

I read the eight books of the Anne of Green Gables books when I was a kid, and ended up inheriting the set I had originally borrowed from my grandmother. Did you know there was a ninth Anne of Green Gables book? I just found that out today when I looked at Goodreads. But I loved this story.

Enchantée cover

Sometimes you can tell on the first page that you’re going to absolutely love the book. That was how I felt about Enchantée. I fell in love with the words on the first page.

Little House on the Prairie Cover

I loved the Little House on the Prairie books. I know some people have problems with them now because the people in the 1800s weren’t the most enlightened people with regards to race, but they didn’t really know any better. It’s not like the people of today are perfect either.

Alex, Approximately cover

This category could be filled with several books too, but I enjoyed the romance in Alex, Approximately. And since we’re winding down the summer ::sniff::, I figured I’d throw this one in here.

Legend cover

I love Legend (if you couldn’t tell from reading this blog). It’s the only book I’ve written four novels/novellas and two short stories about (and I’m probably going to write a sequel to one of my novellas even though I thought I was done writing in this fandom).

I can’t think of any books like this at the moment.

That’s it! I’m not going to tag anybody, but if you’d like to do this one, please do! Send me a link if you decide to do it.