Remember Fawkes on the Fifth of November!

Fawkes coverRemember, remember, the fifth of November!  In 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up parliament with a bunch of gunpowder located underneath the House of Lords.  When he was caught guarding the gunpowder, he ended up becoming associated with treason (and later fighting against the government) forever.  Fawkes is a story based on the Gunpowder Plot, with magic and a bit of romance thrown in.

The story starts with a great line: “I wasn’t ready to turn to stone.”  As a writer, I’ve started to pay attention to the first lines of books, and I love this one.

In the early 17th century, the England of Fawkes is troubled by a plague where people will turn to stone.  Thomas Fawkes has that plague.  His absentee father chooses not to give him his mask (your mask is the source of your color magic).  This effectively kicks him out of school, so he heads off to London to track down his father — and discovers that his father is in a plot to destroy parliament and install a new government.

In the world of Fawkes, the people are divided into two groups: Keepers, who will only listen to one type of color magic, and Igniters, who practice all kinds of color magic.  Both groups blame the other for the plague going on in the city.  It seems a lot like today, where there’s a lot of division (particularly in the United States); it seems like there are two main sides that want to blame the other.

Over the course of this story, Thomas Fawkes needs to figure out where he stands on the whole color magic situation.  It might even mean that he disagrees with his father.  He also reluctantly falls in love with Emma, who has a secret of her own (which I really like).

I agree with some of the other reviews on this book that it starts out slow.  I’m not sure what makes it seem that way.  Perhaps it’s because we’re still getting to know the characters at that point, and Thomas is still indecisive about the direction that he wants his life to head in.  Either way, the story really takes off towards the end.  It makes up for the slowness at the beginning.

There is a lot of actual history in this book, which the history buff in me loves.  Fawkes is a great story in itself though.  If you love both history and magic, I highly recommend it.  It might start slow in the beginning, but the book ends with a bang.  Not exactly literally.  The gunpowder plot was foiled, after all.  But it does end spectacularly.

October Monthly Wrap-Up

Today is the last day of October, which means that… NaNoWriMo starts at midnight!  Eeek!  I said that last month too, but we’re so close now.  NaNo has been on my thoughts for quite a while already, but that’s not all that’s been going on.  Here’s what happened in October:

Books Read:

I finished twelve books this month.  Two were audiobooks.

  • City of Lost Souls – Cassandra Clare
  • Fangirl – Rainbow Rowell
  • Muse of Nightmares – Laini Tailor
  • Evenfall – Gaja J. Kos & Boris Kos
  • The Wren Hunt – Mary Watson
  • City of Heavenly Fire – Cassandra Clare
  • Into the Hollow – Lynn Vroman
  • Slasher Girls & Monster Boys – Various
  • Blitzball – Barton Ludwig
  • Fawkes – Nadine Brandes
  • Frost Blood – Elly Blake
  • Jack Jetstark’s Intergalactic Freakshow – Jennifer Lee Rossman

So about ten books per month plus audiobooks (Frost Blood and Fangirl were both audiobooks) is about what I can normally average.  I expect fewer books read next month since my focus will be on writing.

I’m currently reading an ARC for Here and Now and Then, and then I will be reading The Cruel Prince or an ARC.

Blog Stats:

  • I had a really good month on Twitter and am up to 1664 followers.  I’m hoping to get to 1666 today since that would be a little fitting, and then get over that on November 1st because I don’t really want 666 to be in my follower count for long, LOL.
  • Blog users have seemed to have leveled off.  I wish I could visit more sites, but I just haven’t had time.  Don’t expect that to change during NaNoWriMo though.
  • I have ten scheduled posts at the moment.  The only posts that I need to write during NaNoWriMo are ARC reviews, a review of Fawkes, tomorrow’s post on deals of the month, a Top Ten Tuesday post on Platonic Relationships in Books, and the Monthly Wrap-Up for November.  Other than that, I’m all set for NaNoWriMo.


  • I finished writing Hero, and now I’m editing the book.  I’ve edited 12 chapters so far of the first draft.  I already know that I’m going to rewrite chapter 1 when I do the third draft.  I want it to start off with a more impactful scene.  All of that will probably wait until next year though.
  • I finished publishing My New Best Friend to AO3.  I wanted to finish that this month so I won’t have to worry about it in November, or leave people wondering what happened in the story.
  • Total words published to AO3 in 2018: 96,948.  I’ve written about 120,000 words on other books that are currently unfinished/unpublished.  So that’s pretty good for a year.  I don’t expect to publish anything else this year, although I will be writing more words (obviously).
  • I have about 26 pages of notes for The Brightness of Shadow.  I’m ready to do this!


So let’s just say that I could really use an amazing 2019 to make up for the last couple of years.  Yesterday, on my way to visit my daughter in the hospital, I ended up in a car accident that totaled my car.  The airbag deployed and everything.  My dd will probably be in the hospital for a long-term stay, but the main thing is that she gets better.  I have a bunch of bruises all over, but that’s probably about it.

I was really hoping that school would be cancelled today on account of snow, but no such luck.  Somebody needs to teach kids Spanish and German, and that would be me.  And then I have work tonight when it hurts to walk.  Oh joy.  But I’ll be okay, and that’s what matters.

So that was October.  Went out with a bang.  Let’s hope that November is better and I come out of that with an amazing first draft of my new book.


Books with Dark Magic and/or Darkness

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday Topic is a Halloween/Creepy Freebie (hosted, as usual, by That Artsy Reader Girl).  I’ve decided to write about books with dark magic and/or darkness in them.  I don’t celebrate Halloween, so I had to alter the topic a bit.

So a little bit about my Halloween story.  Back when I was in college, I went to Knott’s Scary Farm with my future husband, a couple of his friends, and his future fiancée (perhaps you notice that this is already getting weird).  So my husband had broken up with his future fiancée, then we went out for a while, and then he went out with her again.  And we were all at Knott’s Scary Farm together.  Needless to say, it didn’t really go all that well.  But I was at this Beetlejuice show, and this fake Beetlejuice character was telling jokes about death and I was just thinking “this really isn’t funny.  Death isn’t really funny.”  I’m sure that being there with my future husband and his then-girlfriend didn’t help anything, but I haven’t really been into Halloween since.

But I digress.  Back to our Top Ten List:

slasher girls and monster boys coverSlasher Girls and Monster Boys – This will probably be the closest thing that I get to a “Halloween” read this year.  It’s an anthology with several stories from various authors.  Like most anthologies, some stories are better than others.  It has a lot of stories where bad boys and girls get the justice that they deserve.  And there’s creepiness and in many of these stories, a little bit of magic.  If you’re looking for something to read tomorrow while you’re handing out candy, maybe this is your book.

Enchantée coverEnchantée ~ Gita Trelease – Enchantée is not a creepy book at all, but there is a creepy villain in this book that uses his magic for evil and not for good.  There has to be some force that works against the heroine of a story or it’s not a good book, right?

Give the Dark My Love CoverGive the Dark My Love ~ Beth Revis – In Give the Dark My Love, our main character is literally practicing necromancy.  If I was going to put “necromancy” under a dark magic or a light magic umbrella, it would definitely go under dark magic.

Frequency CoverFrequency ~ Christopher Krovatin – At first glance, Frequency seems to be a contemporary novel about high school students that are into music and use a few too many drugs.  This book has it’s own kind of magic in it: music.  Maybe you’ve gotten so into a song that you feel like the beat is controlling you (I know I have).  In this book, the magic of music takes that feeling a step farther and is actually controlling people.

Young Elites coverThe Young Elites ~ Marie Lu – Not everybody in The Young Elites is dark: just our main character, Adelina Amouteru.  Maybe she could have been a good person if life had treated her a little differently.  At any rate, the main character in this series does some pretty evil things and her powers granted from the gods are pretty magical.

An Ember in the Ashes CoverEmber in the Ashes ~ Sabaa Tahir – While the main characters in the Ember in the Ashes series are neither evil or magical, there is some evil magic afoot in this story.  And there are evil characters.  Plus, this series is pretty darned good.

Ever the Hunted CoverEver the Hunted ~ Erin Summerill – Ever the Hunted (and its sequel, Ever the Brave) is not one of those stories that feels creepy, but there is definitely some dark magic in this story.  Our main characters are amazingly sweet, but there are some mind-controllers out there, and they’re not so sweet.

Throne of Glass coverThrone of Glass ~ Sarah J. Maas – The Throne of Glass series has some pretty dark and creepy magic in it (although the first book doesn’t have a lot of magic in it).  Our main character is also a pretty wicked assassin.  I still have to read the last three books in the series (it’s really long) but it’s definitely worth reading.

Ace of Shades CoverAce of Shades ~ Amanda Foody – The setting of Ace of Shades is very much like Las Vegas with a little bit of magic.  It’s dark and gritty and dangerous.  Definitely not a place that you’d want to be wandering alone in after dark.

City of Bones CoverThe Mortal Instruments series ~ Cassandra Clare – This series has all the creepy crawlies in it: demons, werewolves, vampires, and the like.  Yet, I don’t really feel like these are creepy books at all.  Nevertheless, since I’m writing about books that contain dark magic or darkness in them, these books qualify.  And they are probably going to make my list of Top Ten Books I Read for the First Time in 2018 (I lump all books in series together) so they should make it to today’s list.

Well, that’s today’s Top Ten List.  Next week, I’ll list ten older books that I still want to read.

What books have you read that have dark magic or darkness in them?

Blitzball ist Sehr Interressant

What would happen if Adolf Hitler were cloned?  Blitzball, a new book by Barton Ludwig, attempts to answer that question.  This is the story of Addie, a soccer player for Reichfield High, and his discovery that he was not who he thought he was.  Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Every weekend, Addie plays soccer against North Prep, their rival school.  As our story begins, Addie and his best friend Thomas have debilitated the star player on the other team so he can’t play.  Shaylee, a girl, ends up playing on the team instead.

As a reader, you might notice something strange about their little town.  Reichfield High is nearly all white (with the exception of one Jew).  North Prep is predominantly non-white.  The students at Reichfield High are encouraged to have racist viewpoints.  They refer to themselves as “Aryan” and have a lot of unkind things to say about people of other races.  They also don’t like homosexuals or transgender people.  Reichfield students also learn German.  This is a typical Nazi town, located in a modern neighborhood in a place that looks a lot like the United States.

Addie begins to have feelings for Shaylee, which he fights initially, because she’s not Aryan, and Addie has been taught that you really shouldn’t develop feelings for people that aren’t white.  Together, they discover that Addie was a clone of Adolf Hitler.  Addie doesn’t even know who Hitler is at first; for some reason people that live in Addie’s town don’t have access to the Internet, although Shaylee and her classmates do.  As he discovers the truth about himself, he tries to defy his genetics and upbringing and become his own person.

What I Liked

There were a lot of things that I liked about Blitzball.  Addie was an interesting character.  He behaved a lot like you would expect someone to behave if Adolf Hitler grew up today.  In a way, the story reminds me a lot of Er ist Wieder Da, a really funny movie where Hitler resurrects in a German park and is found by a photographer, who treats the guy like he’s a joke.  Addie grows as a character throughout the book, which is pretty important when you start off a Nazi.  By the end of the book, he becomes an enemy of the Nazis in this story.

The setting of this story was unique.  It reminded me of The Truman Show.  Addie lives in this small “country” where life pretty much revolves around him.  The people at his school are in on it.  Not only was he a genetic clone of Adolf Hitler, he is being raised in similar circumstances to him.

What I Liked Less

While I found Blitzball to be interesting overall, there were parts of this story that I liked less.  The last part of the book seemed to be a little too much, although I liked the epilogue.  We also never find out why someone created a genetic clone of Hitler and went through all the trouble of raising him to be another Hitler.

There are a lot of German words in this book (mostly swear words).  As a German speaker, it didn’t really bother me, but it’s possible that non-German speakers might find that it makes reading the book more difficult.  I’m not a very good judge of this because I am literate in German, but it’s something to be aware of.

Final Notes

I wouldn’t recommend this book to younger YA readers.  There are some situations that aren’t really appropriate for younger readers.  In addition, the characters of Reichfield High have very racist attitudes; someone with less maturity might not realize that these students are supposed to be the bad guys.

Overall, Blitzball was an interesting book that I enjoyed, but I can’t really put it on the same level as some of the more amazing books that I’ve been reading this year.  If you find the premise interesting, I recommend reading it, but it’s not a book that I will rush out and tell everybody that they need this on their TBR right now.

Slasher Girls and Monster Boys… Oh My!

slasher girls and monster boys coverThe end of October is upon us.  I’m not into scary stories or spooky things, but I figured that I’d read Slasher Girls & Monster Boys for the season anyway.  I’m not really big into short stories, but thanks to a Top Ten Tuesday topic from earlier this year, I’ve discovered that some of them are pretty cool.

This anthology has stories from several authors that I wasn’t familiar with, as well as some that I’ve heard of but haven’t read yet (like Kendare Blake) and some that I’ve read before (including my favorite author, Marie Lu).  They all have their own styles that they bring to this genre, and some of the stories I liked much better than the others.

Each of the short stories in Slasher Girls & Monster Boys was based on a classic movie or story.  I don’t really think that knowing the original story really gave away anything in the ending.  For example, “In the Forest Dark and Deep” was based on Alice in Wonderland.  Knowing the Alice story didn’t really give away what was going to happen in the story.

I didn’t really find these stories to be scary.  They did seem to have a lot of stories of the supernatural and of revenge, however.  I did like that about these stories.

Some of these stories I was just okay with.  There were a couple with bizarre endings that I would have liked to have been explained more.  I think that it’s normal in an anthology that you won’t like all the stories equally well though.

Here were some of my favorites:

“The Girl Without a Face” ~ Marie Lu.  Well, duh!  I’ve never read anything in the “horror” genre by Marie Lu before, but this story definitely has a lot of Lu-like elements to it.  The voice is familiar, as is the overall message of this story.  Sorry, I can’t give away what that message is, because then I’d pretty much spoil it!

“On the I-5” ~ Kendare Blake.  I bought Three Dark Crowns earlier this year but I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet.  “On the I-5” is a story of a girl who meets someone at a truck stop on the I-5 (which runs from Washington State to Southern California).  Again, I can’t really tell you much more than that without spoiling the story, but it was pretty good.

“The Birds of Azalea Street” ~ Nova Ren Suma.  I’ve seen the Hitchcock movie The Birds more than once in my lifetime, and although I did have a guess as to what was happening in this one, I thought it was a sweet story about justice.  If sweetness can be a little dark and creepy and involve death.

“In the Forest Dark and Deep” ~ Carrie Ryan.  This was another tale of jerks seeing justice.  I think there’s a theme to my favorite stories here, because all the stories that I’ve pointed out here include some form of justice for somebody.  This story has a tea party/Alice in Wonderland influence to it.

If you’re looking for something to read this year with just a little bit of the creep factor, but you don’t want to commit to a full length novel or two, you might want to check out Slasher Girls & Monster Boys.  Chances are you’ll recognize a few of the authors, and you might find a new author you want to read more of!

Villains (Top Ten Tuesday)

Another Tuesday, another round of Top Ten Tuesday.  Today’s topic is Villains.  While thinking about this topic, I realized that not every book has a good villain.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  Without further adieu, these are some of the villains that I found interesting:

City of Ashes CoverValentine: The Mortal Instruments (Books 1-3).  Valentine from The Mortal Instruments series is a great villain.  He thinks that he’s doing the right thing.  Perhaps at one time, he was doing the right thing, but he got carried away.  And he became very, very bad.  Real life villains are often the same way.

Young Elites coverAdelina Amouteru: The Young Elites. It’s not often that the villain and the heroine are the same people.  You have to feel sorry for Adelina because you know her story, and you know that deep down inside, she’s a decent person, but she’s wicked at the same time.  Somehow, you just can’t help but root for her and hope that she redeems herself.

Enchantée coverVicomte de Séguin: Enchantée.  I don’t think that there’s many redeeming qualities about the Vicomte de Séguin in Enchantée (it’s an amazing book, you’ll want to read it when it comes out).  He is so devious and smart though.  And in the end, it seems like he might feel that he has no choice but to be evil.  Of course, we all have choices.

Red Queen CoverMaven: Red Queen series.  Maven is one of those villains that you have to like, at least a little.  He had crappy parenting and might have been a decent person, if he hadn’t been pushed to the dark side.  I was even hoping that he would change.

Frequency CoverPit Viper: Frequency.  He seems like such a nice guy!  People seem to love him.  And he was treated horribly.  Still, once you find out what he’s planning, you realize that he’s not such a great guy after all.  Maybe he’ll change.  You want him to change.  That’s why he makes a great villain.

Everless coverRedacted: Everless.  Unless you read Everless, then you probably don’t know who the true villain of this story is.  If I was to say who this person was, it would be too much of a spoiler.  This person makes a great villain because you don’t even suspect him/her!  He/she seems so nice.  I’m not sure if there are any redeeming qualities to him/her, but he/she’s a great villain because he/she blends in so well!

Warcross coverZero: Warcross.  Is Zero really the villain?  Or is he a hero?  Or is someone else altogether the villain?  One of the things that I love about the villainy in the Warcross duology is that there’s a point in Wildcard where you’re thinking “there is nobody in power that is good in this story.”  Sometimes real life is like that, especially when it comes to politics.

Legendary CoverPrince of Hearts: Legendary.  He probably doesn’t have too many redeeming qualities to him, but he puts Tella in a seemingly impossible situation.  He’s quite devious, and as a result, he’s a fairly noteworthy villain.

Heartless coverCatherine: Heartless.  I’m not sure if we can consider Catherine to be the villain of this story or not, but we know that she becomes a villain.  Maybe that’s why she makes such a good villain in this story.  She’s not really a bad person, is she?  But life’s circumstances shape her in a way that cause her to become a bad person.  Often, that’s the way people become villains in real life.

An Ember in the Ashes CoverThe Nightbringer: Ember in the Ashes tetralogy. This guy is really creepy.  I don’t want to give out spoilers if you haven’t read the series, but the way he uses people is just disgusting.  Which makes him a good villain.  Because you have to loathe him.  Maybe at one point there were good things about him, but his interactions with Laia… ::shudder::.  Another good thing that for a long time, he fools some of the readers into thinking that he’s not really a bad guy.  Now that I know better, I’m going to have to think of this when I reread the series prior to Ember 4 coming out.

So there are all the baddies for this week!  I who are your favorite villains?  I can’t wait to find out.  Leave a link to your Top Ten Tuesday and I’ll visit!

Next week: Stories with Dark Magic and darkness.  I’m not a real Halloween person (I’ll give you the back story next week) but there are plenty of stories with dark magic to go around!

I Was Into the Hollow

Into the Hollow coverLast week, I read Into the Hollow by Lynn Vroman.  I have to thank Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read it.  This is a really sweet story and I enjoyed it a lot.

Freedom (she goes by Free) hasn’t had the easiest life.  After her mother died, her dad took her to Needles, California, where he met another lady and had another child, Little.  Little’s mom had postpartum depression, and they left to go back to Appalachia, where they were originally from.  When our story begins, Free is a doting sister who adores her half-brother.  She works at a grocery store to try to make ends meet.  Her daddy digs up ginseng to try to bring in some extra cash.  It’s a hard life.  They live in a small house without electricity or water, and sometimes there isn’t enough to eat.

Cole is her next door neighbor, but they’ve never spoken.  His life isn’t much to brag about either.  He has a father and brother in prison for dealing drugs.  His sister is a teenage mom and is a former drug addict; her mother still is addicted to drugs.  Cole’s sole goal in life is to graduate from high school and save enough to rent a crappy apartment someday.

Sometimes they see each other when Free drives by in her beat up Buick, but they’ve never spoken.  Still, they seem to be drawn to each other (although Free would never admit that).

When Cole starts working at the grocery store with her, she tries to keep her distance.  He wants to get to know her, but she doesn’t want him to find out her secrets.  Then something happens, and her world is turned upside down.  She turns to Cole for help.  In turn, she seems to help him in a way.

I absolutely loved this story.  Both Cole and Free are responsible teens just trying to survive in a world where the adults in their lives haven’t made it easy for them.  You want them to make it.  And you want them to be together.

The setting of Into the Hollow is fairly unique.  I haven’t read a lot of books set in Appalachia.  As I read the book, I can visualize the forest, and the run-down houses, and the things that make this area what it is.

Into the Hollow was a book that I didn’t want to put down.  I’m not sure how much publicity it’s going to get, but it probably won’t be enough.  It’s one of those books that might end up in a “hidden gems” type of Top Ten Tuesday post, because I enjoyed it so much, but I’m afraid not many people are going to hear about it.  It won’t be released until November 6th, but you can pre-order it now.

War Storm was Electrifying

War Storm CoverI recently finished reading War Storm by Victoria Aveyard.  It was an amazing end to this series.  This is a huge book (672 pages), but I read it in three days because I couldn’t put it down.  Although the ending was quite fitting, I was sad to see the series end.

Because this is the fourth book in a series, this review may contain spoilers for the previous three books.

As the book begins, Mare and Cal have decided to part ways.  Despite the fact that they obviously love each other, there are things that they can’t agree upon.  Mare is dedicated to her cause of equality for reds and silvers, while Cal feels that becoming king is the best for both him and his country — even if it requires that he marry Evangeline.

Almost nobody wants Cal and Evangeline to get married.  They don’t want to marry each other.  Mare doesn’t want them to get married.  Although Mare and Cal’s friends tend to be indifferent about the subject, they’re still a little annoyed with having to watch Mare and Cal moon over each other all the time.  The only people that really want them to get married are Cal’s grandmother and Evangeline’s father, as a way to strengthen their alliance.  That seems to be a recurring theme in real history as well though.

War Storm‘s extension of the world of the Red Queen series is outstanding.  As the whole continent is at war now, we’re now dealing with characters from all over the place.  We get to see more of Montfort in this book (whose allowance for same-sex marriage is tempting to Evangeline) as well as characters from the Lakelands.

This book seems to have a theme of what our destiny is, and whether we can make the choice to change things.  Evangeline and Cal don’t seem to think that they have a choice in their futures, or even in the future of their nations.  As the series comes to a close, they begin to realize that maybe they do have a choice after all.

The book’s ending was fitting.  I thought it rang true to how the characters were behaving, especially in this last book.  I finally didn’t mentally yell at the characters about how foolish their choices were.  It may not be the ending that I would have chosen, but I thought it was the right ending.  And I didn’t end up crying or throwing the book in frustration (yes, I’m still talking about Allegiant chapter 50).

I definitely recommend War Storm and the entire Red Queen series if you like fantasy, stories about equality, or just really good books in general.  I was happy to find out how this series ended, yet sad to see it end at the same time.

Book Settings I’d Like To Visit

It’s Tuesday again, and today’s Top Ten Tuesday Topic is “Bookstores/Libraries I’ve Always Wanted to Visit”.  I’ve chosen to do “Book Settings I’d Like to Visit” instead.  In case you’re wondering, the bookstores/libraries I’d like to visit include Powell’s Books in Portland (been there but it’s awesome), the National Archives, Library of Congress, and the Vatican library.  But back to ten bookish settings:

There are a lot of bookish settings that would absolutely be terrible to visit because they’re always at war or something.  But not all of them would be that bad.

The Hobbit coverThe Shire: Who wouldn’t want to visit the Shire?  I wouldn’t want to go at some periods of it’s history, but overall, it seems like a nice place.  If it looks anything like the movies, it would be gorgeous.  I guess the next best thing would be to go to New Zealand.  But I’ve never been there either.

Narnia coverNarnia: Narnia would be a lovely place to visit.  As long as you went at the right time.  I mean, who would want to visit while the White Witch was still reigning and there was an eternal winter (with no Christmas)?  It would be cool to see the talking animals and the mythical creatures.

American Patriot's BIble coverHeaven: The Bible has a lot of places that would be pretty cool to visit.  The Garden of Eden would be interesting to see (before that whole fruit thing happened, of course).  I probably wouldn’t want to stay very long in any one place, because I probably wouldn’t really like their idea of sanitation, but Heaven would be a pretty cool place to stay for a very long time.  We’re supposed to be happy there forever, right?

Warcross coverTokyo of Warcross: I think it would be pretty cool to visit the Tokyo of Warcross.  It would probably be a pretty fun game to play.  The virtual overlays over everything would be cool to see as well.  I’m not sure that the whole social scoring would be too good in real life (they’re already doing that in China) but other aspects of the game and its leakage into reality would be fun.

Little House on the Prairie CoverThe Prairie of Little House: I guess there’s something of a theme in a lot of places I’d like to visit.  Imagine the peace and quiet where you could read all of those books!  But it would be lovely to visit some of those old-timey places where there weren’t a lot of people around and it was just you and nature.

Anne of Green Gables coverPrince Edward Island of Anne of Green Gables time: here’s another one of those old-timey places that would be quiet and fun to visit for a bit.  I bet it would get pretty cold in the winter though, since it’s so far up north.  Maybe I’d only want to visit in the summer.  Or I’d want to have extra warm clothes to wear.  I get cold pretty easily.

Flame in the Mist CoverFeudal Japan of Flame in the Mist: We’re going to assume that if I go to visit this place, I’m not going to be a peasant, because that would be no fun at all.  But the magical forests and the like would probably be quite beautiful.

Dragons of Autumn Twilight coverKrynn of Dragonlance: While I wouldn’t want to visit Krynn during one of their numerous wars, there were periods of peace in the land’s history (I think).  It would be pretty fun to study to be a mage.  I imagine they’d have to be Erudite like me, since they always have to read books.

The Wren Hunt coverIreland, of The Wren Hunt:  This was a last-minute edition to this post, because I just read it last week.  The Wren Hunt is set in modern-day Ireland.  Not in a big city or anything, but in a small village.  Although the book doesn’t do a lot to describe the surroundings, I’ve seen pictures of Ireland before and I know it’s a beautiful place.  So, I’d probably love to visit the setting of this book.

Pacific Crest Trail of Wild: At this point, I’ve gone through my entire read list on Goodreads (there’s a lot of books that I’ve read that aren’t on Goodreads that I don’t remember though) and I still have to come up with one other place.  I’d love to visit the Pacific Crest Trail though, which is in the book Wild.  I love hiking, and think that this would be a fun thing to do.  I’d need new shoes though.  Since I walk all day at work, I go through shoes fairly quickly, and am in need of a new pair.  Especially if I plan on going on a massive hike like this.

So that’s today’s list.  Come back next week when I talk about villains!

The Wren Hunt Sings

The Wren Hunt coverI recently read The Wren Hunt by Mary Watson (thank you to Netgalley and Bloomsbury YA for an Advanced Review Copy in exchange for an honest review).  It is a magical book in a fairly unique setting that made me want to keep reading.

The Wren Hunt is set in modern-day Ireland.  The story starts out with some excitement: every year after Christmas, some boys chase Wren (our heroine) until they catch her, and demand some sort of trinket for her.  Wren doesn’t find this chase amusing, but for some reason, they continue to bully her year after year.

Soon, we find out that the boys that chase her are part of a group of people that her family has been feuding with for generations.  Like in Romeo and Juliet or The Weight of Feathers, Wren’s family is part of the augurs, and the boys that bully her are the judges.  Both judges and augurs have a sort of druidic magic to them.  Wren’s gift allows her to have visions of the future, although sometimes it is difficult to interpret what they mean.

The augur’s magic appears to be fading, and they blame the judges for it.  Wren is sent to take an internship at a business run by the judges, in order to spy on them.  The judges there don’t know that she’s an augur, and if she is found out, it wouldn’t do well for her.

Over the course of this book, she falls in love, finds out some shocking truths about herself, and has to make difficult decisions about her life.  There’s betrayal, and twists, and things aren’t always exactly as they seem.  It all makes for a great story.


I love how Ireland was used as the setting for this book.  It makes an excellent backdrop for the druidic magic.  The Wren Hunt transports you to a small village in this country.  The town has this small-town feel of a place that kids grow up in and don’t really escape from.  It’s unlike a lot of fantasy book settings, which made it interesting.


I really liked the characters and relationships portrayed in this book as well.  Although she lost her parents when she was young, Wren is close to the family members she lives with, as well as her childhood friend.  In this book, Wren is growing apart from her family, and I love how Ms. Watson tackles this.  There are also enemies, a growing but sometimes awkward attraction to a boy, and coworkers.


Will The Wren Hunt make my list of Top Ten Books I Read in 2018?  No, but I’ve read a lot of books this year, and a lot of good books aren’t going to make it onto the list.  This book is a unique book that kept my attention from the beginning until the end.  I definitely recommend it.

The Wren Hunt won’t be available until November 6th, but you can pre-order it now.