Remember November Book Tag

Hello! I was tagged by Siobhan over at Novelties to do the Remember November book tag! It was originally started by Book Princess Reviews! I love the name of this tag. Last year, I read Fawkes over November 5th to commemorate Guy Fawke’s day. This year, we’ll commemorate November by finding books for some of these holidays.


  • pingback to the creator of the tag, @bookprincessreviews
  • tag the person who tagged you
  • find an answer to match each prompt
  • have fun!

Sadie Hawkins Day: First Saturday

a female character who takes her fate in her own hands

On the Come Up cover

There are so many books that could fit into this category, but one of those books that I haven’t mentioned in a while would be On The Come Up by Angie Thomas. Bri wants to be a rapper, but she’s surrounded by some bad influences, plus she has a temper. Her mom doesn’t want her getting into the rap business, but Bri goes and does it anyway. In the end, Bri finds out what’s important to her.

Guy Fawkes Night: November 5

a plot that was stopped at the last minute

Enchantée cover

For a second, I though about putting Fawkes in this box. That would be funny. But I ended up putting Enchantée here because I remember getting nearly to the end of the book and wondering how the heroine was going to come out of this unscathed. It had such a delicious ending that I named it my favorite book out of the ones I read last year.

Saxophone Day: November 6

a character with an uncommon hobby

Rebel cover

I’ve run across a lot of characters that play an instrument of some sort, are into art, like to read, dance, etc. But I think Eden Bataar Wing in Rebel is the only boy I’ve come across that likes to press flowers.

World Kindness Day: November 13

a villain who is changed by kindness

Les Miserables cover

Les Misérables was the biggest book I’ve read this year. Many of us are familiar with the synopsis of Les Misérables, but there are probably a lot fewer of us who have actually read it. We probably know of Jean Valjean as the man who spent twenty years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread, but he could have been the villain of the story: if not for the extreme kindness of one man. Although he was a villain at the beginning of the story, hardened by what society did for him, he instead becomes a changed man, becoming the saint of the story instead.

Use Less Stuff Day: November 18

a character who gives up something in their life (i.e. a dream, a possession)

Midnight Star cover

What can a character give up that’s more valuable than their life? If I recall correctly, there are actually two characters who give up their life in this book. I’m not going to say who though because spoilers. I think this series (The Midnight Star is the third book in The Young Elites series) is due for a reread in 2020. I have an unfinished novel-length fanfic of this series to finish too. A reread should help me finish that one.

Start Your Own Country Day: November 22

a book with its own land/world

An Ember in the Ashes Cover

I decided to go with a book I read last year for this last question. There are so many books that take place in their own worlds, but we sometimes can stop gushing about books we read a while ago in favor of the books we recently read. An Ember in the Ashes takes place in this whole ‘nother universe. Looking forward to reading the 4th book in 2021. It’s been a long wait, but I know Ms. Tahir has been working on it, so I’ll try to be patient. Writing a book is hard!

So that’s all for this book tag! Feel free to do this one if you’d like! If you decide to do this one, please tag me so I can see what you come up with.

ABC Book Challenge – T

It’s Sunday again, and time for another letter in the ABC Book Challenge. Every week from July to the end of the year, I go through My Books on Goodreads and bring up the books I either loved or really want to read. I can’t believe it’s already mid-November, and we’re already on the letter T. I first found this challenge over at Me, Myself, and Books, but I think it was started by The Thrifty Bibliophile.

Tell Me Everything cover

Don’t tell me that Twitter and blogger recommendations don’t get people interested in books. I hear about most books that way. Tell Me Everything was a book I first heard about on Twitter. It’s supposed to be really good, the plot sounds interesting, so it’s in my Winter 2019/20 TBR Lottery. I know there’s still a month between now and the time I start reading my Winter TBR, but I don’t want to leave out a book that I’m interested in.

There's Something About Sweetie

There’s Something About Sweetie is a great book. While technically it’s When Dimple Met Rishi 2, this is not really a sequel, but more like a book that occurs in the same universe, like 10 Things I Hate About Pinkie. These are great books.

This Savage Song cover

One of the authors I had been saying I wanted to read for months (since sometime around last year, in fact) was V.E. Schwab. This Savage Song was one of the Fall 2019 TBR Lottery winners and so I finally got around to reading one of her books! I really liked it, as I expected to.

A Thousand Perfect Notes cover

Of course, I have to put in Paperfury’s book, A Thousand Perfect Notes. This is a lovely story about a boy with a talent for music that has an abusive mother. It’s a beautiful book!


I read Timeline a long time ago. So long ago, that I forgot who wrote it, and forgot the title. It made such an impression on me that I knew to search for it. At some point, I’ll want to reread this one. I flew through this book the first time.

Twelfth Imam cover

I read The Twelfth Imam series shortly after each book came out. It was a book I had a hard time putting down. Although it’s a thriller, I particularly remember David’s relationship with Marseilles as a highlight of these books. The world might be coming to an end, but it’s never a bad time to be with the love of your life.

So those are some books starting with the letter T! Do you like any of these books? What is your favorite book that starts with the letter T?

ABC Book Challenge – S

Hello, and welcome to this week’s ABC Book Challenge! In July, I started going over My Books in Goodreads, and I’ve been highlighting the books I really liked or found interesting. This week is the letter S, and there are a ton of them! I first found this challenge over at Me, Myself, and Books, but I believe it was started by The Thrifty Bibliophile.

The Scorpio Races cover

For almost a year, I’d go visit people’s blogs on Top Ten Tuesday and say “I really need to read a book by Maggie Stiefvater.” I finally read The Raven Boys a couple months ago. Now I should read The Scorpio Races. Maybe I’ll wait until next November though, because the first line is “𝙄𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙉𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙤, 𝙩𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙮, 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙙𝙞𝙚.”

Shadow and Bone cover

The Grishaverse books were another series I said I needed to read for forever. I had read a short story by Leigh Bardugo though, so I couldn’t say I had never written any of her stories before. This series was amazing.

Sky Without Stars cover

I loved Sky Without Stars and have already pre-ordered the sequel, Between Burning Worlds. It’s a story set on another planet in a culture that seems to resemble Paris. J’adored this book!


Skyhunter doesn’t come out until October 6, 2020, but I’ve already pre-ordered my Kindle copy. It isn’t the book I ordered the farthest in advance, Chain of Gold gets that honor (I pre-ordered that book with last year’s Christmas money).

Spectacle cover

Spectacle was a book that kept me turning the (virtual) pages. It didn’t get a lot of marketing, which was a shame, because it was really good.


I love history, and I’ve heard that SPQR is a good history book. I’ll have to read it someday. Maybe it will win the TBR lottery for this winter.

Strange the Dreamer Cover

Strange the Dreamer is a beautiful book with a… strange name. I didn’t know what “beautiful prose” was until I read this book. If you haven’t read it yet, you should.

Summer Days and Summer Nights Cover

I almost bought Summer Days and Summer Nights over the summer, until I realized I wouldn’t have time to read it. I originally borrowed it from the library. While it’s not really the time of year to read it now, I would like to read it again.


Switchback sounds like an interesting story about two teens that get lost in the Canadian wilderness. I’m starting to put together my Winter 2019/20 TBR lottery. All the books on today’s list I haven’t read are on that list. Maybe I’ll get to read one of them this winter.

Those are just some of the books that are on My Books on Goodreads that start with the letter S. See you next week!

End of Year Book Tag

The end of the year is coming (actually, the end of the decade) and it’s time for the End of Year Book Tag! Sadly, I don’t know who started this and I forgot where I found it (I googled to find the questions). I thought this would be fun to do. This is one you could do any year!

1. Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?

Les Miserables cover

I actually have 6 books that are unfinished. I will probably finish Les Misérables before the year is over (I have 16 hours of listening time left on the audiobook). Another book that I have yet to finish is The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire… but Kindle says I have 92 hours and 52 minutes left to finish that book, so maybe I’ll finish it in 2020. I usually have one novel that I’m reading, but I’ll probably finish at least 10 more of those before the decade is over.

2. Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of the year?

Not really. I do read through the Bible once a year, but I typically start it on January 1st and finish it December 31st. There are a few Christmas books I read, but not necessarily every year.

3. Is there a new release you’re still waiting for?

Queen of Nothing cover

I pre-ordered The Queen of Nothing immediately after I finished reading The Wicked King. That isn’t the pre-order I’ve had sitting in my Amazon account the longest though. I pre-ordered Chain of Gold with my Christmas money last year. And I’ve also pre-ordered a Kindle copy of Skyhunter, which comes out October 6, 2020; that’s the most far in the future I currently have pre-ordered.

I like to get my pre-orders taken care of well in advance. Since I pay for my books with gift cards, I don’t have to worry about having to come up with a lot of money all at once when there’s a lot of new releases coming out that I have to have.

4. What are three books you want to read before the end of the year?

Call Down the Hawk cover

There’s still a lot of books I plan on reading before the end of the year, including Call Down The Hawk, which arrived on Tuesday, and The Queen of Nothing. I haven’t made up my winter 2019/2020 TBR yet, but I do plan on reading Malediction, which my friend Katerina King wrote. But at this point, I’ll probably read at least 12 more books before the end of the year (I usually read at least 2 books a week).

5. Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favorite book of the year?

Maybe? I don’t think so, but last year, the Enchantée ARC came out of the blue towards the end of the year and became my favorite book. The Queen of Nothing has a chance, but probably not. There are a couple books I have yet to read that might make the Top 10 books I read this year though.

6. Have you already started making reading plans for 2020?

I already have 5 ARCs that I’ll read in 2020. Between now and March 3, I’m rereading The Infernal Devices, Ghosts of the Shadow Market, and The Dark Artifices. I would like to reread Rebel, The Young Elites Trilogy, and The Divergent Series next year as well. Then of course I already have five books pre-ordered for next year, and there’ll be a ton of new books coming out to read (and backlist books too!).

So that’s the End of Year book tag! Feel free to do this yourself if you want. If you do end up doing the tag, please tag me so I can see what you came up with!

ABC Book Challenge – R

It’s already November, and NaNoWriMo has begun! Today’s letter for the ABC Book Challenge is R. I’ve always associated the letter R with the tail end of the alphabet and November with the end of the year… it’s hard to believe we’re almost in the 3rd decade of the 21st century! Anyway, in this challenge, I go through My Books on Goodreads and come up with some of the best or most interesting books starting with that letter. I first found this challenge over at Me, Myself, and Books, but I think it was started by The Thrifty Bibliophile. Here we go!

The Raven Boys cover

It’s kind of fitting that The Raven Boys showed up on this week’s list, because Call Down The Hawk, which takes place in the Raven Boys universe, is coming out on Tuesday! I pre-ordered the book, and I’d like to read it shortly after it comes out, but with NaNoWriMo in full swing, I don’t know how much reading I’ll get done (ARCs take priority).

Rebel cover

You might think that I would have highlighted the Rebel book by Marie Lu this week, but since it’s the fourth book in the series, it was covered by the Legend umbrella. At any rate, there were two really good books called Rebel that came out this year, and if you’re interested in a post-Civil War romance, you should check this one out.

Red Famine cover

I’ve wanted to read Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine for a couple years now. When I first heard about it, there was a waiting list at the library, and now there’s not, so maybe I should just go ahead and borrow it. But since it’s NaNoWriMo, it’ll have to wait a bit longer. This year, I’ve pretty much read books by all of the authors that I’ve often said “I need to read a book by ____”, so maybe it’s time to start reading those books that have been on my TBR for a while too.

Red Queen Cover

The Red Queen series was huge over the past few years, and there was a long wait at the library for each of the books. I haven’t read Broken Throne yet, but perhaps I will at some point in the future.

I’m surprised that I only listed four books this week. I’ll probably make up for it next week with the letter S. There are pages of S books on My Books on Goodreads. It’s going to be hard to narrow them down to a manageable number. But that’s for another week. See you then!

ABC Book Challenge – Q

Hello, and happy Sunday! Today is another edition of the ABC Book Challenge, and the letter of the day is Q! I found this book meme over at Me, Myself, and Books, but I think it was started by The Thrifty Bibliophile. For this challenge, I go through My Books on Goodreads and come up with books that begin with that letter.

Throughout this challenge, I’ve tried to avoid books that weren’t the first book in a series. There’s only one book that starts with the letter Q that is the first book in a series on My Books. I’m not all that excited about it. So… the three books I’m highlighting today are the third books in the series.

Queen of Air and Darkness cover

Queen of Air and Darkness is the third book in The Dark Artifices series by Cassandra Clare. It’s a very long book (which I think could have been split up into two parts) but it’s very good. To be fair, I did read Clockwork Princess and this entire series in less than two weeks. I was really exhausted from reading when I got to the end. I’ll be reading this book again before Chain of Gold comes out, but I’m taking much longer to read it this time.

Queen of Nothing cover

There’s a theme for this week, because literally the only Q word on My Books on Goodreads is Queen. The Queen of Nothing comes out November 19th. Less than a month away! If you’ve read The Wicked King, then you probably know why that ending made me want this book as soon as possible.

The last book in The Shadow Game series is Queen of Volts. It’s not supposed to come out until next September. I enjoyed the first two books in the series, Ace of Shades and King of Fools. I’m looking forward to reading the next book.

So those are books that start with the letter Q! There are a lot more books that start with the letter R, so expect the list to be longer next week.

ABC Book Challenge – P

Hello! It’s another week, and another day for the ABC Book Challenge! Today we’re on the letter P. I didn’t get this done ahead of time (life had so many time sucks last week, such as shopping for a car to replace the one that got totaled) but I’m doing it now. I discovered this challenge at Me, Myself, and Books, but I think it was started at The Thrifty Bibliophile. For this book tag, I go through My Books on Goodreads and pick out the books I really liked and the ones I’m most excited to read one day. Here we go!

Patriot's History of the US cover

It’s been several years since I read A Patriot’s History of the United States, but I think I’ll read this one again someday. The writing style drew me in. I just ran across this book several months ago when going through my garage and set it aside to read again. Someday. I’m currently looking up at all the other books in my closet that are also clamoring for my attention. ::Sigh::

The Poppy War cover

The Poppy War gets a little dark in places, but it’s still good, and has a lot to say about society. I haven’t gotten the chance to read the second book in the series, The Dragon Republic, yet. So many books, so little time!

Pennies cover

Pennies is a book I kind of stumbled upon. It was free, and it came with a free audiobook version too. One day I was driving home from work and needed something to listen to, so I picked up this book. It’s good, but disturbing at the same time. I couldn’t finish it on audiobook, but I did finish the Kindle edition. Then I went on to read the next two books. I hope to read the next book in the series this fall. This is NOT a YA book.

Pumpkinheads cover

I’m reading Pumpkinheads today. It is so funny and cute! It is a perfect October read if you’re looking for something YA but not scary. I think this is one of my favorite graphic novels. Full disclosure here, I haven’t read a lot of graphic novels yet, but I’m putting this one up in the top two. Even though I haven’t finished the book, I don’t think the ending will disappoint me.

So that’s it! There aren’t that many P books in My Books on Goodreads (not too many Q books either). Have a great week!

ABC Book Challenge – N

I’m starting my fourth month of the ABC book challenge, where I go through my Goodreads books, one letter at a time, and note some of the more interesting books in “My Books”. Some I have read, some I have not. I originally found this challenge at Me, Myself, and Books, but I think it was started by The Thrifty Bibliophile. Today’s letter is N.

Naughts and Crosses

I read Naughts & Crosses last month. I really liked it. There are five books and two novellas in this series, and I’m not sure whether I will continue with it: not because the first book wasn’t good, but because the story doesn’t deal with the same people. I may continue with it someday, but it’s not one of my priorities. Nevertheless, this book is definitely worth reading.

Never Stop Walking Cover

Never Stop Walking is a memoir by Christina Rickardsson. It details her childhood in poverty in Brazil, as well as her adoption by middle-class parents in a European country. It wasn’t highly publicized, but it was a good read, so I have to recommend it here.

Nicholas and Alexandra cover

Most of the books in my TBR get there either as a result of hearing about them on blogs, or hearing about them on Twitter. I first heard of Nicholas and Alexandra at my weekly Russian meetup group. The whole story of the Romanovs seems fascinating, and hopefully I’ll find some time to get to this book someday.

Ninth House cover

Leigh Bardugo’s Ninth House is probably the most anticipated release starting with letter N this year, at least among book bloggers. It’s release date is finally almost here! I already have it on my calendar to start reading it on Tuesday. Renée Ahdieh’s The Beautiful also comes out on Tuesday; I had to think about which one to read first, but I think this one wins out.

Those are the N books that stand out to me this week. Not too many. There will probably be more O books next week.

ABC Book Challenge – M

Time for another episode of the ABC Book Challenge! We’re up to the letter M, which means we’re halfway through the alphabet. In this challenge, I go through my Goodreads books and find books that start with the letter. Some I really want to read, while others I read and thought were good. I first found this challenge over at Me, Myself, and Books, but it was started by The Thrifty Bibliophile (I think).

A Million Junes cover

A Million Junes is described as Romeo and Juliet meets A Hundred Years of Solitude. Okay, maybe that’s not a ringing endorsement because I kinda hated A Hundred Years of Solitude, but I’m kinda interested in the whole “forbidden boy” angle.

The Millionaire Next Door

I was already out of college before I realized that my grandparents were millionaires. Up until the 1990s, they had a tiny black-and-white television, they never had cable, they had a really old car, and my grandma would get upset when she had to pay $.32 to replace a part to the faucet. But they were the classic Millionaire Next Door that owned their own business and saved — a lot. This book has a lot of really good info on how to eventually have a lot of money. It’s not easy to follow, but it made me rethink my idea of what “wealthy” really means.

The Miracle of Freedom cover

Most of us (if you’re reading this) are some of the luckiest people to ever walk the face of the earth. Despite the political bickering that seems to go on all the time, we tend to be wealthier and freer (and safer) than most people that have ever lived. We can thank little miracles that happened throughout history for giving us the society we live in today. The Miracle of Freedom: 7 Tipping Points That Changed the World discusses seven events, from ancient times to World War II, that were crucial to leaving us with the world we live in today. I haven’t read it, but it sounds good.

My Real Name is Hanna cover

I had the opportunity to read My Real Name is Hanna last year. While this book didn’t make my favorite books of the year list last year, it was pretty good. It didn’t get enough publicity when it came out, as far as I’m concerned. It’s about a Jewish girl who survived Hitler by hiding out in a cave. The book is based on a true story. It’s definitely worth reading.

My True Love Gave to Me cover

The last M book for today is My True Love Gave to Me. It’s hard for me to believe I’m already starting to think about Christmas stories when I was just considering whether or not to read Summer Days and Summer Nights just a few weeks ago. Both of these anthologies are great. It might be a little too early to start reading this one. It’s not too early to start planning your TBR, however.

Those are some of the M highlights from My Books on Goodreads. There aren’t as many N books, but we’ll see them next week!

ABC Book Challenge – L

Hello! It’s a new week, and a new addition to the ABC Book Challenge: a six-month journey through my “My Books” section on Goodreads where I go through the more interesting books that I’ve either read or would like to read. I found it over at Me, Myself, and Books, but I think it was started by the Thrifty Bibliophile. This week, we’re on the letter L.

Lady Midnight cover

I can already tell that there are going to be a lot more L books than we’ve seen in recent weeks. The first book for today is Lady Midnight, the first book in The Dark Artifices. I love these Shadowhunter books. I’ve been rereading City of Fallen Angels and I can’t help but be impressed at how there were already glimpses of The Infernal Devices in this book. Anyway, this series is excellent as well.

The Last Jihad cover

There’s a link in my life between The Last Jihad and Lady Midnight, oddly enough. When I read the first Shadowhunter book, City of Bones, I wasn’t entirely impressed. I only gave it three stars on Goodreads. There was something about that book that I liked though. I continued reading the series because I accidentally read the last book in The Last Jihad series, Dead Heat, first. That book completely blew me away. Then I realized it was the last book in a series… and I read this book, and it was good… but it wasn’t amazing like the last book. So I decided to give City of Ashes a chance, and I didn’t regret it.

The Last Year of the War cover

The Last Year of the War is such a beautiful story of friendship. It came out earlier this year and I don’t think people have talked about it enough. It’s one of those books that you should read with a supply of tissues nearby.

Legend cover

Oh Legend, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. The letter L could be full of books from this series: Legend the Graphic Novel, Life Before Legend, Life After Legend, and Life After Legend II. I’m pretty sure I’m going to need tissues for the conclusion of this series, Rebel, which comes out in… nine days. Although… since I ordered both the Kindle version and a hardback, I’ll start reading it Monday night, so it’ll actually only be eight days. Is it time to start freaking out yet?

Les Miserables cover

Speaking of Legend, it was inspired by Les Misérables, which I haven’t read–yet. I just recently bought the audiobook (which is 60 hours and 26 minutes long). I’ve wanted to read it for a while, but haven’t gotten around to it. I plan on reading it as soon as I finish reading American Panda.

The Lion, the WItch, and the Wardrobe cover

I have to include another classic today: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The Chronicles of Narnia is a great series, although I haven’t read it in a long time.

Little House on the Prairie Cover

There are actually two more classics on today’s list. The Little House on the Prairie series actually starts with Little House in the Big Woods, but this book is the best known of the series. I loved these books when I was a kid.

Lord of the Rings cover

The final L book is Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein. I haven’t read this for a very long time, and when I did, I had aspartame poisoning, so I don’t remember it as much as I should. I have seen the movies though. Maybe I should read it again someday. Looking over at my TBR, it might be a while.

So those are some of the L books I have on Goodreads. There won’t be as many M books next week (mostly because a lot of my favorite M books are the second in the series and I try to avoid using them here). We’ll see them next week!