
So today I’m going WAAAAY off topic. But it’s Sunday, and I deleted my other blogs last year so I’ll go with it. Before I started this blog, I had a political/religion blog; I also wrote nonfiction articles for Associated Content (later Yahoo! Voices) and some other places. I was thinking about the concept of thrones this morning and thought I needed to write about it. This isn’t book related, but it’s me as an author related, so I’m just going to go with it.

We read about thrones a lot in YA (Throne of Glass, all those stories with royalty in them, etc.). So this morning in church, I was thinking about the thrones in the Bible.

  • When God was up on Mount Sinai, that was kind of like His throne. Moses was pretty much the only person allowed to go up on the mountain, because everybody else was like:
We're Not Worthy!
  • And then later on, there was the Tabernacle, which was this big tent where God lived. It was later replaced by the temple. God made a rule where only the High Priest could go into the center of the temple, where the Ark was, and there was a whole bunch of ritual involved in him going to the throne, or God would kill him.
  • Years later, Esther married King Xerxes (known as Ahasuerus in the Bible) and you couldn’t go into his throne room unless he called you. If you did go into the throne room uninvited, he could hold out his scepter to you and then you would be okay, otherwise, they’d put you to death. When Esther went in uninvited, fortunately, he held out his scepter to her.

So today, the Bible compares praying to going to the Throne room of God, but we don’t have to worry about getting killed any more. Because of Jesus. And that’s a good thing.

That’s my random thought for the day. Tomorrow we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming with a review (on Sandhya Menon’s blog tour) of Of Curses and Kisses!